Pacific Latter-day Saints Share Why Temple Recommends Are Important to Them
February 2021

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Pacific Latter-day Saints Share Why Temple Recommends Are Important to Them

They explain why living according to the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints helps them in their lives.

Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita of the Pacific Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has urged members of the Church across the Pacific Area to always be worthy of a temple recommend.

A temple recommend shows that a person is following the example of Jesus Christ and is living according to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ.

A few members of the Church from across the South Pacific recently shared why always a holding a temple recommend is important to them:

“Always having a temple recommend is important to me because it represents my love and commitment to my God, Saviour, and to those most precious to me, my whanau (family).” —Justin Edwards, Hastings, New Zealand

“My temple recommend is more important to me than any other document in my possession because I can enter into the house of the Lord. It is my way of showing Heavenly Father and my Saviour Jesus Christ that I love them and have perfect faith that they are there. My temple recommend helps me to stay on the path as I try to live the gospel. My husband, Kereti, and I set a goal to live worthy of a temple recommend always and to take our children there often so that they too can see and feel the importance of temple attendance. Our desire is to always be temple worthy and we instill that in our children’s hearts also.” —Anna-Marie Faavae, Hastings, New Zealand

“The importance of holding a current temple recommend is similar to holding a current driver’s licence. Just like I need to qualify for a driver’s licence and obey the road rules to drive to my destination, I need to be worthy and keep the Lord’s commandments and covenants to return to Him. My preparation for a recent temple recommend interview with my bishop encouraged me to reflect on my choices and habits and where I can improve. It is important to me that I hold a current temple recommend to show my love and commitment to my Heavenly Father and Saviour, even though I can’t enter His holy house at the moment due to COVID restrictions.” —Lesen Lawry, Adelaide, Australia

“Holding a current temple recommend is important to me because it is a significant of a true disciple who always remember covenants made in the temple and strives to live it. Holding a current temple recommend is a reminder to me to keep the covenants and to follow our Savior Jesus Christ.” —Auomala Fulumua, Samoa

“I have received far too many blessings from just keeping my recommend current to not hold it dear to my heart. Twelve months after my baptism I went to my first and only young single adult convention. I was assigned to a service project at a farm, but at the last minute some spaces opened up on the temple service project. I had my recommend and appropriate clothing with me, so I went and while there I met a friend who introduced me to my future husband by the end of the week. For an assortment of reasons, we couldn’t initially be sealed in the temple, so I didn’t get endowed until later. In following a prompting to go to the temple for my endowment, I was blessed with my first child the very same week. Throughout my pregnancy, I continued to go to the temple every month until my son was born. From that, I was blessed with new friendships in a new ward and a stronger testimony and an understanding of God’s plan. Two months after the birth of my son, the temples closed and I went through some of the greatest trials of my life thus far, but because of what I’ve learned in staying worthy of my recommend and using it often, my faith never failed through my trials. I struggled, I felt weak, but my faith remained steadfast.” —Marie Cranston, Melbourne, Australia

“Having a current temple recommend is important to me because it is a reminder of who I am; of the privilege I have been endowed with to search out my ancestors and perform the ordinances for them. It is a constant reminder that I need to remain worthy and clean to enable me to enter the sacred house of the Lord. No credit card or driver’s license will be of any value when the Lord comes, but my temple recommend will be something I can offer to Him.” —June Gamble, Perth, Australia

“I always want to have a temple recommend. Even when the temple is closed, as it is now, I want to be worthy to enter the temple. Once when I was in Australia, I had the opportunity to participate in an ordinance with my great-grandchild. Because I had a temple recommend, I was able to help my family.” —Albert Ryter, Auckland, New Zealand

“I just had my temple recommend interview via Zoom last week and received it in the mail today. It was a lovely reminder to me of what that precious piece of paper represents. Although I am not able to physically attend the temple, or even partake of the sacrament due to the current tight COVID lockdown restrictions in Melbourne, I know, and the Lord knows, that I qualify to enter and to participate in the ordinances. During the interview I again felt the confirmation of the spirit that Jesus Christ is my Saviour. He is acutely aware of all that is happening in the world and stands as the Christus statue portrays, ready to lift, comfort, heal, teach and love all who turn to Him.” —Yvette Barnes, Melbourne, Australia

“At a time when we as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are unable to attend the temple, it would seem easy to let our recommends lapse. Why? We’re not using them, are we? For me, my recommend was approaching out of date, I needed to have my accountability interview with my Saviour through appointed representatives, a member of the bishopric and then a member of the stake presidency. At the time, we were in lockdown, no sacrament meetings, no temple attendance, no visiting the sick and vulnerable. To do the Lord’s work in these times, an interview was over the phone with my bishopric member. This was just as spiritual as sitting in the office. We had a friendly chat, then an opening prayer and then the worthiness questions. It was humbling and very special. I could answer with a pure heart and mind answers that would see if I was able to enter the house of the Lord. I could feel the Spirit of the Lord just the same. Then an appointment was made to have the next interview with a member of the stake presidency via Zoom. I was so blest to have a face to face interview. I am so blest to have technology that enables this. Again, the Spirit was involved with the interview and again, I felt grateful that I could be held accountable to the Lord. So, I have peace in my heart and at a moment’s notice can attend the temple. In the meantime, we have more time with family and opportunities to discover names that we can add to TempleReady and Family File. Yes, my ancestors are waiting, and I know that the time will come that they too, can enter the holy temple, so I hold a current temple recommend, the link between me and my ancestors.” —Ellen Ender, Perth, Australia

“It just feels right to have your temple recommend at all times. Temples are not in normal open mode at the moment, but that doesn’t change the need to have my recommend. Before COVID, I couldn’t bear to not be able to go to the temple at any given time. I love the temple and look forward to being able to go again, often.” —Wendy Hunter Atkinson, Brisbane, Australia

“My current temple recommend is my pass into the highest seat of learning on Earth. My invitation into the eternities. My comfort blanket here on Earth. I do not want to live without one and I do not want to die without one. I cannot think of a greater blessing than having a current temple recommend.” —Heather Maile, Perth, Australia

“My temple recommend reminds me of my commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ. My eternal covenants with my Heavenly Father. The Lord’s eternal plan for me. My eternal sealings to my families. My privilege to serve in the temple. My decision to take my temple recommend as a passport into the next gospel stages. My access to the holy temple. Everything in the gospel points to the holy temple.” —John Maile, Perth, Australia
