Welcome Back, Christine
July 2021

“Welcome Back, Christine,” Liahona, July 2021

Latter-day Saint Voices

Welcome Back, Christine

Eight years after my father’s death, I was reminded of God’s love for me.

London England Temple

Photograph of London England Temple by Chris Wills

I was only 19 when my dad died on June 20, 2010. It was Father’s Day in the United States. My dad’s death shook me to the core, and I gradually stopped going to my church. How was I supposed to go to church and ask God for guidance when He didn’t listen to me when I needed Him most? I felt that He had abandoned me.

A few years later, I moved to London, England, for graduate school. On my walk to campus one cold, snowy day, I was listening to a musical on my earbuds when two missionaries approached me and introduced themselves.

Elders Hathaway and Porter asked what I was listening to. When I told them I was listening to The Book of Mormon musical, their eyes grew wide. The two missionaries then shared their testimonies of the book, giving me a copy. As I started to read the Book of Mormon, I realized that maybe God was giving me a sign, telling me that it was time to return to Him—but in a new way.

The next day the missionaries taught me the plan of salvation. During that lesson, Elder Porter said, “In the end, we will have the opportunity to be with our families again.” That was the most powerful doctrine I had ever heard. I would have a chance to be with my dad again. I knew right then that I wanted to learn more. My love for and trust in God started to slowly return.

On April 15, 2018, I was baptized. I will always remember how warm the water was. It was as if God was giving me a big hug and saying, “I missed you, Christine. Welcome back.” The reminder of God’s love was glorious. The Hyde Park First Ward also welcomed me and helped me on my journey.

If you had asked me a decade ago if I could ever love God again, I probably would have said, “No!” But being taught God’s plan of salvation changed that.

Soon, I went to the London England Temple, taking my father’s name with me. When someone was baptized and confirmed by proxy for my dad, I knew I was one step closer to being with him once more.

I know that I will be reunited with my father again. Now my love for God blossoms every day.
