Finding Spiritual Support after Joining the Church Alone
August 2021

“Finding Spiritual Support after Joining the Church Alone,” Liahona, August 2021

Young Adults

Finding Spiritual Support after Joining the Church Alone

The author lives in Virginia, USA.

I had never felt so distant from my parents, but Heavenly Father sent angels to strengthen me.

men sitting on a handrail

Photograph posed by models

For me, joining the Church by myself, without the reassuring testimonies of my friends and family, was challenging and lonely.

Finding the Church was a long-awaited answer to my prayers to better understand my Savior and live my life as He did. But I came from a devout family actively involved in a Baptist church, and my decision to become a Latter-day Saint was misunderstood and aggressively rejected.

My parents wanted what they thought was best for me and believed that my leaving our family’s religious upbringing would destroy my faith.

Things became even more difficult when my father passed away from cancer just before I was baptized. Coping with the loss of my loving father while also having to choose between God’s will and my family’s will was almost unbearable.

I felt like I was being pushed to my limit.

Heavenly Father’s Angels

When Jesus Christ was suffering in Gethsemane, God sent an angel to strengthen Him (see Luke 22:43). I believe that angel was sent to Christ’s aid as an expression of Heavenly Father’s unfailing love. Likewise, He sent angels to strengthen me.

Among these angels were Sister Neff and Sister Smallcomb, the missionaries who first taught me. They had the testimony and intellect to guide me through my intense questions. And the more of Christ’s love I witnessed through them, the more I grew to love the gospel.

Years after my baptism, I spoke with Sister Smallcomb and thanked her for still being willing to address my questions. I also expressed that I hoped I wasn’t bothering her.

“Marcus,” she said, laughing, “you can send me questions about the gospel for the rest of forever.”

It was so comforting to know that I had someone I could turn to for answers. In a way, Sister Neff and Sister Smallcomb were my mentors in the gospel, helping to guide me along my path of conversion and helping me understand what it means to be a member of the Church.

But they wouldn’t be the only ones to guide me.

Finding Other Mentors

I used to love having spiritual discussions with my family. But when I joined the Church, those conversations—at least for a season—became impossible to have. Spiritual discussions with my family left me feeling drained rather than invigorated.

Living the gospel without my family was not a trial I could endure by myself. Gratefully, my Heavenly Father and the faithful bishop in my young single adult ward were there to help.

No matter what I discussed with my bishop, I always grew spiritually. I felt the support and love I needed.

Maybe your spiritual needs aren’t filled through a bishop. But an institute teacher, a mission president, a senior missionary couple, a ministering brother or sister, a friend, and so many others can be there to support you.

How do we seek those mentors in our lives? One of the most important steps is doing your best to continue living the gospel. And you can trust that a perfect Heavenly Father can (and will) guide many Christlike people to help you.

You can also find a mentor by placing yourself in positive situations. Carrying out a ministering assignment, magnifying a calling, offering meals to missionaries and joining them for lessons, attending institute, and bearing your testimony are all ways to create opportunities to develop good relationships.

Trusting in Heavenly Father

Throughout my journey, whenever I felt alone, Heavenly Father continued to send angels my way to comfort and strengthen me.

I realized that I was never truly in a position where I didn’t have support. Heavenly Father always led me to help, especially when things were tense at home. All I had to do was keep my faith in Him and keep my spiritual eyes and ears open for His guidance and blessings. I solemnly testify that the Savior’s words are true:

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

I lovingly encourage you to keep yourself involved in the gospel as you pray for Heavenly Father to guide you to the beneficial relationships and mentors that will help you stay on the covenant path and return to Him.
