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She Was Baptized in the Middle of the Pandemic
September 2021

Local Pages

She Was Baptized in the Middle of the Pandemic

She is eight-year-old Dorinelis Francisca, who was born in a home where the principles of the gospel are lived.

Neither Dorinelis nor her parents imagined the conditions of the world when they set the goal that she would be baptized on Saturday, May 16, 2020, after she turned eight.

“We set the date before the pandemic, but the work can’t be stopped even during a pandemic. We are very happy and grateful, and she is even happier because she knows how important baptism is,” says her father, Victor Cepeda, who baptized her.

Baptism marks the first step on the path to return home to our Heavenly Father. We have received a body and came ready to go through experiences and receive ordinances that will help us in our effort to attain eternal life.

When we are baptized, we covenant to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember Him, to keep His commandments even in circumstances where we may consider ourselves weak, and we commit ourselves to resolutely follow in the footsteps of our Savior and Redeemer.

“I know that this work is true, it is a work of miracles and, if we are loyal and faithful in keeping the commandments, God will not leave us alone in moments of difficulty,” said Dorinelis excitedly.