Blessings of Temple and Family History Work
October 2021

“Blessings of Temple and Family History Work,” Liahona, October 2021

Welcome to This Issue

Blessings of Temple and Family History Work

family standing in front of a temple

Brother and Sister Prebble with their children and their spouses at the Sydney Australia Temple for the sealing of their youngest daughter.

Photograph by Sally Crosbie

I have experienced many blessings in my life through participating in temple and family history work and have also witnessed in the lives of others that it is never too late to receive these blessings for living and deceased family members.

In the April 2018 general conference, Elder Dale G. Renlund said: “When God directs us to do one thing, He often has many purposes in mind. Family history and temple work is not only for the dead but blesses the living as well.” Elder Renlund then mentioned many blessings, including healing blessings, that can come to our families as we participate in temple and family history work (see “Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing,” Liahona, May 2018, 46–47).

In this issue, several Church members and I share how Heavenly Father has blessed us through temple work (see pages 12, 14, 16, 30, and 46). We address different questions, such as “How do I prepare to go to the temple for the first time?” “How do I talk to my friends about the temple?” and in my article, “How do we keep the temple close to us when it’s physically far away?”

We can all experience healing blessings in our own lives, no matter our challenges, as we strive wherever possible to be involved in temple and family history work. Through our individual efforts, no matter how small we perceive them to be, we can all help with furthering the work of the Lord in redeeming our dead and strengthening our families.


Lisa Prebble

Devonport Australia Stake
