Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Can Help Us Make It to the Temple
October 2021

Digital Only: Young Adults

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Can Help Us Make It to the Temple

I faced a lot of opposition before I received my endowment, but relying on Christ helped me prepare to make those covenants.

young woman praying outside

When I was a child, my family traveled to the Tokyo Japan Temple. The 12-hour car trip was long, but we were grateful for the time we got to spend together, and we spent the drive discussing our excitement about going to the temple.

At the time I wasn’t yet 12 years old, so I was only able to enter the temple lobby. But the sacred nature of that space filled my heart with the warmth of the Spirit.

I could have stayed in that lobby forever. So when it came time to return home, tears started streaming down my face. The temple quickly grew smaller and smaller in the distance as we drove away, and I already missed the strong Spirit I had felt inside.

I was determined to return one day. If the Spirit was that strong in the lobby, I couldn’t wait to experience what it felt like to actually go inside and perform ordinances. I wanted to do whatever I could to prepare to go inside someday.

Facing Opposition

Although I always strove to keep the commandments and live worthily, I truly started preparing to receive my own endowment before going on my mission.

I took a temple preparation class that was very helpful to me. Two ministering sisters offered to answer questions and help me know what to expect. And as I listened to their experiences and their testimonies, my anticipation to enter the temple intensified.

But much to my surprise, after I finished taking my temple prep class and as the day of my endowment drew closer, I started facing a lot of temptations.

Likewise, I saw a lot of opposition in preparing to serve a full-time mission. I experienced a lot of anxiety. My mental health started to dwindle, and I had to take necessary steps to face my feelings and move forward with faith.

As this was happening, I realized that the adversary did not want me to take these great spiritual steps.

Finding Strength in Christ

To combat this opposition, I prayed every day for help to overcome temptations and my anxious feelings. I relied on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ more than I ever had before. I fasted, studied the scriptures, and sought revelation. I prayed for strength to make the right decisions, to overcome my weaknesses, and to simply feel peace in my heart and keep an eternal perspective.

Those small spiritual practices helped me better recognize and follow the promptings of the Spirit. I also felt my anxiety lessen. I gained a greater understanding of the healing power of Jesus Christ and was often enveloped in peace when I turned to Him.

Ironically, it was through facing temptations and fear that I was able to come closer to Christ and prepare myself to receive my endowment.

And when I entered the Sapporo Japan Temple, the familiar Spirit I had felt as a child in the Tokyo Temple lobby was there, but this time it was so much stronger, just as I had always imagined it would be.

After receiving my endowment, I sat quietly in the celestial room and said a prayer, asking Heavenly Father what He wanted me to know.

The Spirit revealed to me that Heavenly Father knew me and my circumstances (see Doctrine and Covenants 38:2). I knew that He was pleased with me for making covenants and that He wants us to come to His house—a house that can truly distance us from the hectic world while strengthening us and bringing us closer to Him and Jesus Christ.

I felt the most powerful feeling of peace in my heart. And I was also able to receive the revelation I needed to feel confident in my decision to serve a mission.

Heavenly Father Knows Our Hearts

I have realized through my journey that God knows the desires of our hearts and that He can help us succeed. If we follow Him with faith and rely on Him for guidance and strength, He can help us prepare ourselves to live worthily and to enter His sacred house.

The ordinances of the temple will be even more special to you when you prepare yourself to enter and when you continue to return and serve there. I know that Heavenly Father wants us to receive ordinances and make covenants so we can be with Him again. And even if we cannot attend the temple often, when we strive to stay worthy of a temple recommend, we are worthy of all the blessings He offers through keeping our temple covenants.1

I know that when we keep our covenants and strive to follow Jesus Christ, we will be strengthened to withstand every challenge and temptation we are faced with. And we can invite the Spirit and the blessings and joy that flow from the temple into our own hearts and homes.
