Do You Trust That Christ Has Your Back?
December 2021

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Do You Trust That Christ Has Your Back?

I don’t think I’ve ever spoken openly about my miscarriages. But I still cry whenever another woman tells me she has had one.

On my first, I just wasn’t ready. I couldn’t bring a child to this world, so I thought. We couldn’t afford it. My husband was in the middle of his medical studies, and I was working and studying hard.

Going into the operating room, it hit how it reached so many levels at that moment, not just expanding a family, but what my body was about to go through.

Then it took us four years, with no family planning at all, and the first one came.

Miscarriages became normal to me, but never easier. And then I miscarried with twins. The doctor said there were more than one, and that’s when I said to myself, I’m closing up shop. No more talk of babies or even trying. I was done.

It took six more years before I became pregnant again. I was so discouraged, thinking I would have another miscarriage that we didn’t buy a thing until I was six months along.

And my daughter was born.

My children’s births were not easy. My son arrived a month early and had to be untangled from the umbilical cord. I was seven months along with my baby girl when our doctor said we needed to find a place with an intensive care unit for newborns and adults to immediately intervene for both of us. So, there was no time to feel not ready or busy, it was a matter of survival and bringing life into this world.

We all encounter our own struggles. I can’t imagine the fear and uncertainty that must have been felt by Mary when carrying the divine Christ child or by Eve in choosing to have progeny over remaining in the Garden of Eden.

But the choices we make define us.

The choices we make mold our character and shape our earthly experience and our spiritual growth.

Let the Savior’s birth and what His parents went through allow you to fight your fights knowing that Christ has your back.
