Christmas, Gathering Israel, and Family History
December 2021

“Christmas, Gathering Israel, and Family History,” Liahona, December 2021

For Parents

Christmas, Gathering Israel, and Family History

Dear Parents,

The Christmas season is a special time of year. Use the articles in this month’s Church magazines to teach your family about Christ’s birth and the hope He brings into our lives, the gathering of Israel, and the power of family history work.

painting of Mary and baby Jesus

Gospel Discussions

Christmas Gifts

Find Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita’s testimony on page 30 to read about the hope, comfort, and strength that come through Christ. With your family, prayerfully discuss the gifts that you have received from the Savior.

Family History Work Is Our Work

Study the article on page 12 for ideas on using family history and temple work to share the gospel. Share a story about one of your ancestors with your children. Ask them which parts of the story they can relate to. As a family, you could think of people you know who might be interested in learning more about their family history.

Come, Follow Me Support

See page 26 for materials like a scripture-search game to support your weekly Come, Follow Me studies.

See also this month’s issues of the Friend and For the Strength of Youth magazines for stories on Church history and Christmas.

Come, Follow Me Family Fun

Articles of Faith Family Challenge

Articles of Faith

  1. Memorize one or more of the Articles of Faith with your family.

  2. If you have younger children in your home who haven’t memorized the Articles of Faith yet, give them a buddy to help them.

  3. Try the following activity:

    1. Sit in a circle.

    2. Recite an article of faith, with each person saying only one word at a time (the first person starts with the first word, the next person says the second, and so on).

    3. If a mistake is made, gently correct the mistake and then have the next person say the following word.

    4. See if you can complete the article of faith with as few mistakes as possible. Then try another one.

Discussion: How can memorizing these important articles help us in our own lives? Reciting these powerful words can help us when our minds are stressed or when we are striving to keep clean or positive thoughts. Knowing these truths can also help us when friends ask us questions about the gospel.

A Gift for the Savior

The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles

Christ has set an example for all of us to follow. As we celebrate His birth this Christmas, let’s give Him the gift of becoming like Him. Christ said, “What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am” (3 Nephi 27:27). Can you give the Savior a gift this Christmas by following His example?

  1. Read the first two paragraphs of “The Living Christ” together.

  2. Discuss things the Savior did to bless others.

    1. He “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). How can we go about doing good?

    2. His gospel was a message of peace and goodwill. How can we bring good will to others?

    3. He entreated all to follow His example? How can we follow Christ’s example?

  3. Write or draw your gift idea for the Savior.

  4. Post it somewhere as a reminder of your goal this year.

Discussion: What can you do to bless the lives of others like the Savior did? How will setting an example of following Christ bring others to the Savior?
