5 Gifts from Knowing Our Divine Identity
December 2021

Digital Only: Young Adults

5 Gifts from Knowing Our Divine Identity

Sister Rebecca L. Craven shares about the power that comes from understanding who we truly are.

young woman smiling

Photograph by Tiffany Myloan Tong

Knowing and understanding the truth about your divine heritage is vital when it comes to moving forward on the covenant path. Because when you know who you are, you can invite so many blessings into your life that can help you find joy throughout your journey in mortality.

Sister Rebecca L. Craven, Second Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency, recently offered insight on five powerful gifts we receive when we understand our divine identity:

  1. “It amplifies our understanding of what we can become and gives us a standard by which to live.

  2. “It helps us to live our covenants and emulate Christlike characteristics.

  3. “It propels us to treat others as daughters and sons of God and shun divisive thoughts and behaviors.

  4. “[It] gives us strength to prevail over the adversary and sustains us through the challenges of life.

  5. “It gives us an eternal perspective. …

“Isn’t it reassuring that in a world that diminishes—and sometimes tries to erase—eternal titles such as mother and father, female and male, we hold these identities sacred?” she added.

“We must be deliberate in our efforts to internalize our identity and teach it to our rising generation. …

“It is a blessing … to know who we are. For me personally, it gives me courage to stretch beyond my natural abilities to do things I never thought I could do. It helps me stay grounded in a world with conflicting attitudes and views. And it gives me confidence to face the future with faith.”1

In an interview with the Church magazines, young adults speak about their knowledge of their divine identity as children of heavenly parents.
