Sharing Christ’s Light
December 2021

Digital Only

Sharing Christ’s Light

The Light of Christ brings us closer to one another—and closer to Him.

Christmas lights on tree

Christmas lights are one of my favorite things about Christmas. I love to see them as I drive around at night and feel the joy and excitement they bring. I love their beauty, and I love the sense of community I feel when I see them. Christmas lights are, to me, like a testimony; when I see them, I can almost hear many of the families in the homes I pass saying, “We believe in Jesus Christ too.” Jesus Christ is the Light of the World. The presence of twinkling Christmas lights reminds me of the light and joy He brings into our lives.

Another thing I love about Christmas is a personal tradition; I read 3 Nephi every December, one chapter per day. As a result of reading this each year, I always look forward to my favorite lesson from these chapters—how joy and light are related.

In 3 Nephi, after the death of Christ, the Nephites are surrounded by darkness. They endure natural disasters, and many of their friends and family die (see 3 Nephi 8). In the darkness, Jesus speaks to the people, which helps them to “cease lamenting and howling” (3 Nephi 10:2). But it isn’t until after the darkness disperses (see 3 Nephi 10:9) that “the wailing of the people who were spared alive did cease; and their mourning was turned into joy, and their lamentations into the praise and thanksgiving unto the Lord Jesus Christ, their Redeemer” (3 Nephi 10:10). The joy came with the light.

We can help others find that light. Just as we share the happiness that comes from the beauty of Christmas lights, we can also share with others the beautiful light and joy of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Each of us can share His light through our righteous actions or by sharing our testimonies of Him in simple and natural ways.

As we share the light of the gospel, we make the world a brighter place. And as we make the world brighter together, we become one global community, united in the light and cause of Jesus Christ.
