undefined undefined How You Can Participate in Light the World
How You Can Participate in Light the World
December 2021

“How You Can Participate in Light the World,” Liahona, December 2021

How You Can Participate in Light the World

New videos are an inspirational highlight of this year’s initiative.

“In a time torn by pandemic, strife, and even isolation, we need the spirit of love now more than ever—both around the world and within the walls of our own homes,” says Elder Marcus B. Nash, explaining how this year’s Light the World initiative is so needed.

We need the kind of love that emanated from the Light of the World, Jesus Christ. He fed the hungry, comforted the lonely, visited the sick, and showed kindness to everyone. Light the World invites us to “go, and do thou likewise” (Luke 10:37).

Elder Marcus B. Nash of the Seventy and Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women General President, are advisers to the Light the World initiative. The Liahona asked them these questions:

What is new about this year’s Light the World?

Elder Nash: For years, Light the World has been an inspiring way to remind us to share the gospel and bless the lives of others at Christmastime. And this year we have expanded to “Light the World with Love.” Love is such an important and necessary element of lighting the world. The Savior Himself emphasized this when He said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you” (John 13:34).

I love John 13:34. It applies so well to events of this past year. To love truly as Christ did certainly includes providing service to others, but it also includes doing so with compassion and kindness in every way possible. Many of the daily prompts will suggest ways not just to serve but also to love, share, and invite others to participate with us in normal and natural ways.

Our full-time missionaries will be serving as Light the World ambassadors on social media as they share inspiring content.

How are others touched when we share Light the World?

Sister Cordon: I love the powerful spirit of truth that fills our home and our hearts as we view “The Christ Child.” We have had the chance to share this with neighbors and friends, and I know many others have done the same. There is a quiet and sustaining peace that comes with this beautiful video. I know many individuals and families are having wonderful experiences as they use the videos and service ideas to bless others. They are sharing these experiences online, where potentially millions they have never met can enjoy them and learn from them!

scene from video about the birth of Christ

Part of Light the World is inviting our friends to join us at church the Sunday before Christmas. What can they expect for that sacrament meeting?

Elder Nash: A joyful, Christ-centered worship service filled with music and uplifting words. We can invite our friends, family, and associates of other faiths to join with us as we honor the true spirit of the season. As we do so, they will see and feel what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is all about. They will be able to experience firsthand the love that the Savior admonished us to have for one another. Let’s welcome every person individually and with open arms.

young single adult greeting a couple entering church

Invite others to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with us on Sunday, December 19.

What is the charitable impact of Light the World?

Sister Cordon: Before 2020, the Giving Machines opportunity had expanded to 10 major cities around the world. In 2019 alone, more than 250,000 individual donations were made through them, raising over $6 million for charities that serve people throughout the global community. In fact, more than 55 global and local charity partners have benefited from the Giving Machines, with donations distributed to serve needs in Africa, Asia, Europe, the United States, and South America.

woman looking at donation options at a Giving Machine

If you live near one of the Light the World Giving Machines, consider visiting it with your family to make a donation. Find the locations at LightTheWorld.org.

Photograph by Catherine Frost