Dublin, Republic of Ireland
April 2022

“Dublin, Republic of Ireland,” Liahona, Apr. 2022.

The Church Is Here

Dublin, Republic of Ireland

world map with circle around Ireland
aerial view of Dublin

Left: photograph from Adobe Stock

The River Liffey winds through Dublin on its way to the Irish Sea. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been in Dublin since 1850, and the first stake in the Republic of Ireland was created in Dublin in 1995. Today in this country, the Church has:

  • 4,000 members (approximately)

  • 1 stake, 1 district, 13 congregations

  • 3 family history centers

Prayer Unites Families

In the city of Limerick, Tommy Kelly, his niece Emma, and other family members join in prayer. “Our family always feels more united when we pray together,” Tommy says.

a family praying together
