The Donation that Saved My Life
April 2022

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The Donation that Saved My Life

In 2013, when I was about to finish high school, I was diagnosed with a ruptured appendix. It was so severe that I had to stop school for a while. I had surgery done and was recuperating. One night, as I was having dinner, I began to feel intense discomfort in my stomach. I was rushed to a nearby hospital that night and was referred to Randel General Hospital.

At the hospital, there was no bed for me and the discomfort and pain I felt at this point was excruciating. My parents were about to take me away from the hospital when a nurse brought a wheelchair and asked that I sit there. She told me that I would receive treatment soon. We had little or no choice than to do so, I was in such pain. Eventually I was able to get a bed. I spent many days in the hospital and finally recovered.

As I was leaving the hospital, I realized that written on the back of the wheelchair that I had used during my hospital stay was the name “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” I was overwhelmed by the joy I felt knowing that the wheelchair donation had saved my life. I had been a partaker of the donations of the Church, and I could not help but think about my Savior’s love.

One lesson I learned was that we might not entirely comprehend the extent to which our acts of service might go, but we can rest assured that somewhere, somehow, there is that one person who needs that help or service. If the Church had not made that donation, I do not think I would have been able to receive treatment in that hospital and my health challenge might have been prolonged.

I am indeed grateful for the opportunity to be served by my fellow brothers and sisters. May God bless the donors, LDS Charities and USAIDS.
