We Are Here for You
April 2022

“We Are Here for You,” Liahona, Apr. 2022.

Latter-day Saint Voices

We Are Here for You

I will always remember the conversations and love that helped me on my difficult journey home.

a man driving a car at night

I had just finished a round of cancer treatment in San Diego, California, USA, and needed to drive home, more than 600 (965 km) miles away. I was tired and lonely, and I prayed for help and guidance.

I had already made more than 50 weekly trips to San Diego for treatment at the cancer center there, but this trip was harder because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pandemic restrictions prevented my wife from traveling with me, and I could not fly in an airplane because my doctors worried that I might catch the virus. If I got sick, I likely would not survive. Driving by myself was the only option.

My wife and mother called. They were both worried about me. It was going to be a long night.

When my ministering brother, Brother Brough, found out I was in San Diego and was about to drive home, he also became worried. He called to check on me and then organized a phone brigade. He asked several members of our elders quorum to take turns calling and talking to me for an hour. Their calls would keep me company, awake, and alert.

During my 10-hour drive, I enjoyed the companionship of these good brothers as they talked to me. As soon as each hour call ended, we would say our goodbyes. Then my phone would ring again, and I would happily put the new caller on my car speaker phone.

As I thanked each of the callers, they often said, “I am glad I could help. We are here for you, Brother.”

Remembering the kindness of these good brothers who took an hour out of their night to guide me safely home still brings tears to my eyes. It was indeed a long night, but I will always remember our conversations and the love these brothers showed me.

We are all on a long, sometimes difficult journey back to our heavenly home. We all need good people to encourage us along the way.

I am grateful for the many people who have prayed for my family and me, served us, and loved us during my long cancer fight—especially the brothers in my elders quorum who have ministered, supported, and guided us every step of the way (see Matthew 25:35–40).
