What Happens in Sunday Church Meetings?
June 2022

“What Happens in Sunday Church Meetings?,” Liahona, June 2022.

Gospel Basics

What Happens in Sunday Church Meetings?

two women hugging

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gather each Sunday to worship God and teach one another the gospel of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to attend, and members will have the chance to pray, give talks, and teach lessons if they want to. These meetings help members strengthen one another in the faith and have “their hearts knit together in unity and in love” (Mosiah 18:21).

Sacrament Meeting

boy in a wheelchair passing the sacrament

Members of the ward or branch gather each Sunday for sacrament meeting. (Those not of our faith are welcome to attend too.) The sacrament is given to members during this meeting to help them remember Jesus Christ (see the April 2022 Gospel Basics article for more information about the sacrament). The meeting also includes prayers, worship music, and talks given by members about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Other Meetings

two smiling girls in church

After sacrament meeting, members separate into classes and quorums. Children ages 18 months to 11 years attend Primary. On the first and third Sundays of each month, all other members attend Sunday School. On the second and fourth Sundays, they attend Relief Society, Young Women, or priesthood quorum meetings.


Prayers in Church meetings are given by members. The prayers are simple and directed by the Holy Ghost. Members pray using words that express love and respect for Heavenly Father. This includes using the pronouns Thee, Thy, Thine, and Thou when praying to Him.


A member of the bishopric or branch presidency asks members to give talks in sacrament meeting. These talks focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ. The speakers use the scriptures and words of Church leaders as they prepare their talks. They also bear testimony of the blessings of gospel principles in their lives.


After sacrament meeting, members learn about the gospel in smaller classes. The lessons may be about the scriptures, teachings from general conference, or other subjects. Even though the teacher will lead the lesson, it is not a lecture. All members of the class may share their thoughts about the topic.


man speaking at the pulpit in church

Once a month, sacrament meeting includes a testimony meeting. Usually this is on the first Sunday of the month. During this meeting, members can bear their testimonies of Jesus Christ and His gospel. To bear testimony means to declare gospel truths as inspired by the Holy Ghost.


Members prepare for Sunday meetings by praying, studying the scriptures, and being ready to receive inspiration from the Holy Ghost. If you are asked to give a talk or teach a lesson, prayerfully think about how you can teach gospel principles. Use the scriptures. Bear testimony of truth. Your Church leaders can help you prepare, if needed.