With the Lord’s Guidance
July 2022

“With the Lord’s Guidance,” Liahona, July 2022.

Latter-day Saint Voices

With the Lord’s Guidance

In the midst of adversity, I learned that I can do hard things.

nurse helping a patient

Illustration by Stephanie Hock

As a nurse anesthetist in the US Navy Reserve during the COVID-19 pandemic, I was mobilized and assigned to the emergency field hospital at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, providing frontline care during the peak of the city’s COVID-19 outbreak.

As I began my duties, many concerns filled my mind. I was especially worried about caring for patients and combating this debilitating virus.

I felt like Nephi, being “led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do” (1 Nephi 4:6). This thought helped me to trust in Heavenly Father and pray often that I would hear His voice, follow His instructions, and give the best care I could to my patients.

During my first night providing care, a patient was admitted in critical condition. As my colleagues and I began to assess his status, I quickly discovered that he could communicate only in Spanish. I was the only one there who spoke Spanish, having learned it on my mission to Venezuela.

As I began speaking to the patient, he asked if everything would be OK. I reassured him, telling him that he was receiving the best care possible. I sensed a degree of trust and comfort in his eyes. Throughout the remainder of the night, I visited his bedside often, making assessments and providing updates. Within a few days, his condition improved markedly and he was discharged.

During my assignment, I met many patients who primarily communicated in Spanish. My ability to speak to them offered them relief and reassurance during their recovery. 

As I reflect on this experience of seeking heavenly guidance to give patients the best care, I am reminded of the counsel of Elder Brook P. Hales of the Seventy. He said Heavenly Father is involved “in the details of our lives” and that “we are entitled to a constant stream of divine guidance through the influence and inspiration of the Holy Ghost.”1

I became keenly aware that my ability to speak Spanish was just as valuable as my medical knowledge. As I cared for others, I also gained a clear perspective that in the midst of adversity, and with the Lord’s guidance, I can do hard things.
