Protecting Our Minds, Bodies, and Spirits
August 2022

“Protecting Our Minds, Bodies, and Spirits,” Liahona, August 2022.

For Parents

Protecting Our Minds, Bodies, and Spirits

mother and father hugging their toddler

Dear Parents,

We are blessed with agency in life. We can use that agency for selfish purposes or to let God prevail, as Elder Dale G. Renlund teaches on page 4. What we choose affects not only us but also those around us. The resources listed here can help you and your family understand abuse, as well as how to prevent it and help survivors heal from it.

Gospel Discussions

Respecting Boundaries

Heavenly Father gave us our bodies and our agency, but sometimes people take advantage of other people in ways that hurt them. You can use the article on page 12 to discuss appropriate intimacy and the article on page 16 to discuss the importance of respecting personal boundaries and what children should do if their personal boundaries have been violated.

Church Resources on Abuse

The Lord and His Church have firmly stated that abuse cannot be tolerated (see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 38.6.2, ChurchofJesusChrist.org). We are all children of our Heavenly Father, and we all deserve to be safe, loved, and treated with respect. Unfortunately, some people have experienced abuse or know someone who has been abused. The Church provides some digital resources for people who have been abused, who have abused others, or who know a victim. Resources are also available to help people recognize the signs of abuse.

To find these resources in the Gospel Library app, select Life Help and then Abuse. Or at ChurchofJesusChrist.org, click on Libraries, Gospel Library, Life Help, and then Abuse.

Conversation Starters about Online Safety

If you’re not sure how to talk to your children about online safety, consider asking them questions like these (adapted from “Scams and Safety,” Federal Bureau of Investigation, fbi.gov):

  • I have heard about adults pressuring kids online to send pictures of their bodies to the adult. Have you ever heard about something like that?

  • Has someone at school ever had a picture taken of them that was sent around to a lot of people? What could happen to that person if the picture was embarrassing?

  • Has anyone you don’t know ever tried to contact you or talk to you online?

  • Why do you think an adult would want to talk to a kid online?

Come, Follow Me Family Activity

“Nearer, My God, to Thee”


“We often feel the Spirit so powerfully as we sing praises to God” (Ronald A. Rasband, “Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection,” Liahona, May 2019, 108).

  1. Place a picture of the Savior on one side of the room and have everyone sit on the opposite side of the room.

  2. Choose a hymn or Primary song about Jesus Christ to sing together.

  3. As each verse is sung, everyone moves closer to the picture of Jesus.

  4. Once everyone is close to the picture, share testimonies of the Savior and what He means to you in your lives.

  5. Some psalms are set to music. You might listen to Psalms 23 and 150 by the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square as part of your activity. Follow the words from your scriptures.

Discussion: What verses from Psalms or other books of scripture remind us of what Jesus Christ has done for us and help us feel His power and love in our lives?
