Auckland Latter-day Saint Leader Encourages Developing Meekness to Bring Peace
September 2022

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Auckland Latter-day Saint Leader Encourages Developing Meekness to Bring Peace

Vitolia Fitisemanu, stake Relief Society president for the Auckland New Zealand Panmure Stake, encouraged members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to develop the Christlike attribute of meekness to bring peace to their lives.

Her words were broadcast to a New Zealand-wide audience in a special Sunday service presided over by Elder Ulisses Soares, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Excerpts from Sister Fitisemanu’s talk follows:

“When I served for a season at the Hamilton New Zealand Temple as an ordinance worker, it was wonderful. Now, at the end of my shift, I used to come out the front doors, almost every day and with my fellow missionary sisters we’d throw our arms up and say, ‘I love my life.’

“I’m still loving my life . . . I too have much to be joyful about.

“One of those joyful blessings is to hear the prophet and Apostles of the Lord . . .

“We are also blessed to study, as Saints and as a family, the scriptures guided by the Come, Follow Me curriculum.

“We recently read as a family the account of Moses and the children of Israel in the Old Testament, where Miriam and Aaron complain against Moses, and we were told that the Lord was not pleased with them because He heard their murmurings . . .

“The negativity must have been burdensome for him; however, it is said that ‘the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth (Numbers 12:3).’

“Elder David A. Bednar further explained that:

“‘“Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and in deeds.” . . . His knowledge and competence could have caused him to be prideful. Instead, the attribute and spiritual gift of meekness, with which he was blessed, attenuated arrogance in his life, and magnified Moses as an instrument to accomplish God’s purposes.’1

“So, one way that we can cope with all of life’s challenges . . . and to try to maintain a cheerful heart through it all, is to be meek.

“Elder Bednar further taught that meekness is a Christlike attribute and a spiritual gift.

“‘The Christlike quality of meekness often is misunderstood in our contemporary world. Meekness is strong, not weak; active, not passive; courageous, not timid; restrained, not excessive; modest, not self-aggrandizing; and gracious, not brash. A meek person is not easily provoked, pretentious, or overbearing and readily acknowledges the accomplishments of others.’2

“We all have many responsibilities and duties to attend to everyday and I have learned from personal experience that without the application of meekness in all aspects of my day, it is very hard to hear the promptings of the Holy Ghost . . . especially when we are busy being angry with someone, finding fault in someone, feeling unfairly treated, holding a grudge, being offended or murmuring . . .

“When I was younger, I was struggling with letting go of an issue with one of my siblings, which could have ruined our family unity for years, but my dear mother lovingly and swiftly corrected me and asked me to do what the Lord had counselled the Nephites to do when He appeared to them in the Americas.

“In 3rd Nephi it says (and she made me read this even when I was angry):

“But behold I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you (3 Nephi 12:44).

“It was hard for me to do, at first . . . Who knew that kind of grudge can affect you, not just spiritually, but also physically and mentally? Yet, as Mum shared, the other person with whom I held a grudge against, is living their best life, unaware of my personal turmoil because life progresses for those who learn to let it go quickly.

“She said, ‘Don’t you let Satan win!’

“I am grateful for the Atonement of my Saviour Jesus Christ that allows me, an imperfect daughter of God, a striving covenant-keeper and disciple of Christ to repent daily as I practice being meek. The power of His Atonement strengthens me to keep trying and I know He will be there for all of us in our daily efforts to be meek and lowly in heart.”
