Stockholm, Sweden
December 2022

“Stockholm, Sweden,” Liahona, Dec. 2022.

The Church Is Here

Stockholm, Sweden

world map showing Sweden
Christmas scene in Stockholm, Sweden

Christmas in Sweden is a joyful time of year for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who rejoice in the restored gospel. The first convert was baptized in 1850. Today, the Church in Sweden has:

  • 9,650 members (approximately)

  • 4 stakes, 40 wards and branches, 1 mission

  • 1 temple, 37 family history centers

a father with his two sons

Family photograph by Ashley Larsen

Do the Simple Things

Bishop Simon Olsson of the Vendelsö Ward has many responsibilities, “but I love to spend time with my family,” he says. “Together we learn that when we do the simple things the gospel teaches, the Lord will bless us.”

More about the Church in Sweden

Elder and Sister Renlund visiting his relatives in Sweden

Elder Dale G. Renlund and his wife, Sister Ruth L. Renlund, visit with some of the Apostle’s cousins while in Sweden.

Photograph courtesy of Inger Höglund

Stockholm Sweden Temple

The Stockholm Sweden Temple was dedicated in 1985.

woman comforting her child

A member of the Church in Sweden comforts her child. Members find guidance in the principles taught in the proclamation on the family.

husband and wife at the piano

A Swedish couple enjoys playing the piano, sharing a musical moment together.

family reading together

This family of Swedish members enjoys sharing time together reading a story.

family next to a subway train

Sweden’s public transportation is clean and efficient, helping members to arrive quickly for Church meetings.

city of Stockholm

When you’re in Stockholm, you’re never far from the water.
