“We Can Find Everyday Ways to Love, Share, and Invite,” Liahona, Dec. 2022.
Ministering Principles
We Can Find Everyday Ways to Love, Share, and Invite
Ministering can become part of who we are, not just one more thing to do.
Carl (names have been changed) had recently been assigned to minister to Gus. Trying to find some common ground, Carl learned that Gus shared his interest in writing. So Carl invited him to go to the meeting of a local writers’ group. In the end, neither of them ever had time for the group, but the invitation led to a great conversation, which led to going to lunch together every few weeks—which helped form a friendship that Gus could rely on when later he needed help.
When ministering, Carl and his wife, Julie, have looked for a balance between formal and informal ministering. There are times they will prayerfully plan something intended to support the progress of others along the covenant path. But they have also tried to make ministering a normal and natural part of their everyday lives.
When Julie accepted an assignment to spend a morning serving in a Church-operated food processing plant, she decided to invite Shawna to go with her. Shawna had only come to church a few times in the years since she had moved into the neighborhood. Julie and Shawna had a great time serving together at the plant. Not long after, Julie and Carl planned a game night for home evening. They decided to invite Shawna’s family to join them. Because Julie had thought to include Shawna in these activities that she was already planning, the two developed a deeper relationship. Later, when Shawna faced some challenges, she reached out to Julie’s husband, Carl, for a priesthood blessing.
Meaningful ministering can happen when we find simple ways to show our love, share our faith in Jesus Christ, and invite others to come to Him and join us—even in things we were going to do anyway.
Photograph by Monica Georgina Alvarado Zarate
Part of Our Everyday Living
The prophet Zechariah helped his people find everyday ways to incorporate thinking about the Lord into their lives. Under his leadership, the people inscribed the words “Holiness to the Lord” on items they’d see in the normal course of their day, like bowls and horse’s bells, to remind them to think of Him (see Zechariah 14:20–21).
Prophets today have also encouraged us to find natural ways to keep God at the forefront in our lives and to love, share, and invite in the same natural pattern. The more comfortable and natural our loving invitations can be, the more comfortable we will be in extending our love and invitations, and the more comfortable others will be to receive them.
Principles to Consider
Ministering is something that can benefit from prayerful planning. As it becomes part of who we are, ministering can also be as simple as thinking to include others in things we may already be doing. For example:
Your phone is already out to message a friend. Take 10 seconds to check in on someone to whom you minister.
You ended up cooking more food than you had planned. Deliver some to someone who might need it.
You loved something in your scripture study this morning. Share it with a friend.
Your family is going to a park for family night. Invite your neighbors to go with you.
You got invited to speak in sacrament meeting. Invite a coworker to come hear you.
What Can We Do?
How can you use something you’re already doing this week to reach out and include others?