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Family Prayer—a Special Time
December 2022

Digital Only: Latter-day Dads

Family Prayer—a Special Time

The author lives in Suffolk, United Kingdom.

Our little daughter reminded me how precious our communication with Heavenly Father is.

a family praying together

Our daughter Leah taught me a valuable lesson when she was just three years old. As a family, we’ve prayed together morning and evening, and we’ve encouraged our four children to take turns giving the prayer.

One morning I was running late and needed to leave quickly, but the family pleaded with me to have prayer before I left. As we knelt in a circle, I thought I would offer the prayer so I could make it quick. But Leah spoke up and said, “I want to say the prayer.”

I was a little surprised, because it would be her first time saying the prayer for the family.

I thought Leah’s prayer would be short and simple, so I asked her to begin. Her prayer started to get longer and longer. Realizing that I needed to go, my wife waited until Leah took a breath and then gently encouraged, “In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

Undeterred, Leah said, “No, I haven’t finished yet,” and she continued praying to Heavenly Father as if she were visiting with a friend. I was reminded of Abraham talking “with the Lord, face to face, as one man talketh with another” (Abraham 3:11) and how he was called a “Friend of God” (James 2:23). Somehow, Leah already knew that praying to God could be like talking to a loved one in the same room. I felt humbled by the reminder.

I learned a good lesson that day, and so did all our family. Leah taught us that family prayer can be a time for our family to draw closer to God in our daily lives and that it’s always worth our time to speak with Heavenly Father as one person speaks with another.