The Light of the World
January 2023

“The Light of the World,” Liahona, Jan. 2023.

Welcome to This Issue

The Light of the World

portrait of Jesus Christ

Detail from Focus on Joy, by Michael T. Malm

As we journey through this earthly life, we come upon trials, including difficult family circumstances. These challenges can cause us to feel abandoned, anxious, or depressed. If we turn to the true source of light, the Savior Jesus Christ, we will be able to better navigate our difficult situations.

In this issue, President M. Russell Ballard outlines ways we can find our way through problems. He says, “[Christ’s] light … removes the shadows of the world from our midst and our minds” (page 4).

As a former marriage and family therapist, I worked with many families who faced significant trials. The families who took time each day to allow Christ into their lives found the companionship of His light and love as they confronted their struggles. I share some of those stories in my article on page 8.

I am grateful for the sacred opportunity I had, through my work, to see families and individuals join with the Savior on the path toward becoming a Zion people (see Moses 7:18). I glimpsed a little bit of heaven each time I saw the Lord’s hand in someone’s life.


Christy Monson