Building on the Teachings of Jesus Christ
February 2023

“Building on the Teachings of Jesus Christ,” Liahona, Feb. 2023.

For Parents

Building on the Teachings of Jesus Christ

father and son next to a cairn

Dear Parents,

Life is challenging, even for the faithful. But you can use the articles in this issue to teach your children that lasting happiness can be ours if we will build on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Gospel Discussions

Following Spiritual “Cairns”

In Elder Renlund’s article on page 4, what are some of the trail markers the Lord has provided to help us reach our eternal destination? Discuss with your family ways that you are following these trail markers.

A Welcoming Community of Saints

We have the divine call to gather Israel and help all of God’s children feel His love for them. Summarize the story on page 8 about a ward that helped many refugees. Whom could your family help?

Help in Unexpected Ways

The Savior doesn’t always help us the way we expect. Read the article on page 14 about the different ways He rescued His disciples from storms. What are some of the miracles the Savior has performed for your family, and have any of these come in unexpected ways?

Lasting Peace and Confidence

Read Elder Kyungu’s article on page 40 about the importance of learning the Lord’s will and faithfully accepting it. As a family, discuss what it means to submit your will to God. What can God do in our lives when we do what He asks of us?

Come, Follow Me Family Fun

Blessed by the Beatitudes

In Matthew 5, the Savior teaches His disciples a higher law to live by so they can become like Him.

  1. Read the beatitudes in Matthew 5:1–12. Talk about each characteristic and the promise that goes with it.

  2. Write each person’s name on a separate sheet of paper.

  3. Give each person a paper, making sure they don’t get one with their own name written on it.

  4. Have everyone draw a picture of a time when the person on their paper exemplified one of the beatitudes. Write a sentence about it. For example, “Hannah is a peacemaker because she shared with her sister.”

  5. Look up the blessing associated with that beatitude and write it at the bottom of the page.

  6. Take turns sharing what was written.

Discussion: How does living the way Jesus Christ taught bring us lasting happiness? How can Heavenly Father and the Savior help us develop these characteristics?
