Becoming a Lifelong Disciple of Christ
March 2023

Area Presidency Message

Becoming a Lifelong Disciple of Christ

My dear friends, as we accept the invitation to come unto Christ, make and keep sacred covenants, and become His lifelong disciples, we will see great miracles unfold.

What the Lord Jesus Christ needs—maybe even more than membership in His Church—are lifelong disciples He can depend on. And that’s something each of us can commit to, regardless of our circumstances in life. His invitation is firm: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me”.

The Lord then gives a warning and a promise: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:24–25).

I have found that when I focus on the Lord through temple worship and serving others, I find solutions to the problems I am facing. To me that’s how I understand what the Lord meant by losing my life for His sake. He loves us and knows what we are becoming.

In the Africa South vision statement, we invite all to come unto Christ, make and keep sacred covenants, and become His lifelong disciples. The promised blessings of this are best described in the words from a letter which Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve wrote to me as I was preparing to embark on my new assignment as president of Africa South Area: “Focus[ing] on preparing the people for the blessings of the temple, and the rising generation for missionary service, will do much to bless the Saints for generations to come in this important area of the Church.”

As you read about Sister Vanessa Ann Baldwin, Durban South Africa temple matron’s path of lifelong discipleship, think of what your decision to become a lifelong disciple will mean to you, your children, and grandchildren; 30, 50, or 60 years from now.

What has kept you progressing on the covenant path?

“The testimony I received at a very young age, that I am loved and known by Heavenly Father and the Saviour, has been a foundation of strength for me. The examples of good people in my life: my mother who taught by her life of service and devotion to the gospel, was an unfailing guide to me in my youth. In the same way, the strength and love from my husband has continued to be a guide for me. Many other good people have helped me to stay on the path. The various callings I have had have strengthened my testimony. Prayer, the scriptures, and my patriarchal blessing add to my strength daily.”

How have you been able to overcome any challenges and continue on the covenant path?

“I read the following quote as a teen: ‘Write your worries in sand, carve your blessings in stone.’ When facing a challenge, I work really hard to look for the positives in my life. Put a smile on my face, be grateful for what is awesome in my life and don’t whine about how difficult things may seem to be in that one moment. The Saviour had a more difficult time than I ever will. My go-to scripture for putting my small challenges in perspective is Doctrine & Covenants 122:5–9. I have faith that I can get through anything with the help of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ if I will just speak to them and include them in my day.”

What would you like to share with new converts and the rising generation?

“One word: participate! This is best way to get along in the Church or in anything in life. Get in with your whole heart and just enjoy the path you’re on. Don’t give up, even when you don’t initially feel comfortable! The more you let your particular heaven-sent light shine, the more you’ll be blessed. In other words, stick to the job ’til it sticks to you. By keeping a prayer, a hymn or Primary song in my heart all day, it helps me to focus on the good. Being different may not always be comfortable or convenient, but it’s definitely worth it when you look at the yesterdays in your life. No major regrets is a good feeling.”

Here again, as you read about President Josiah Molahlehi Mohapi, first counsellor in the Johannesburg South Africa Temple presidency’s path of lifelong discipleship, think of Elder Ronald A. Rasband’s promise about the many blessings to the Saints for generations to come.

What has kept you progressing on the covenant path?

“My staying on the covenant path is rooted in my family’s strength and support, wanting and yearning to be a better father, uncle and grandfather. To simply be to my family what the Saviour has been to me. His love and the enabling power of His Atonement has enabled families to be together forever and has shown me how I can.”

How have you been able to overcome any challenges and continue on the covenant path?

“Refocus and recentre on Jesus Christ. The world is filled with challenges, as it is part of our mortal journey. How we interact with those challenges is dependent on our perspective of it. There’s a sense of optimism and excitement in viewing those challenges from a Christlike perspective, to stay focussed on the Saviour, Jesus Christ, and keep recentering my thoughts on what matters most. I receive the mind of the Lord when I pray to my Heavenly Father and express my gratitude, pondering about the sacrament prayer and His promise of the Holy Ghost to always being with me, studying the inspired words of the modern and ancient prophets, singing uplifting hymns that remind me of the Saviour. In doing so I know that His Spirit will be with me and will speak to my mind and heart about what I should do to overcome the challenges that I face.”

What would you like to share with the new converts and rising generation?

“The Lord is the perfect example of love, justice and mercy. Learn to become like Him by consciously practising His attributes. Our spiritual perfection is in becoming like Him and He will help you on the way. You’re here on earth to embark in the service of your God. It requires your heart, might, mind and strength and I promise that His grace will add spiritual growth, joy and unlock hidden talents and abilities that He will use for the benefit of you and others”. (See Doctrine and Covenants 4).

My dear friends, as we accept the invitation to come unto Christ, to make and keep sacred covenants, and to become His lifelong disciples, we will see great miracles unfold in our personal lives and in the lives of our loved ones.
