undefined undefined Area Presidency Introduces New Area Vision in Southern Africa
Area Presidency Introduces New Area Vision in Southern Africa
March 2023

Area Vision

Area Presidency Introduces New Area Vision in Southern Africa

The vision invites all to come unto Christ, make and keep sacred covenants, and become His lifelong disciples.

“There was never a more exciting time to be a member of the Church in Africa,” says Elder Edward Dube, President of Africa South Area. “The future on this continent is truly as bright as our faith.”

Elder Dube and his counsellors gathered recently to share “a little more about what that future could look like if we all serve together.”

The new presidency (which began serving together in August) had spent many hours counselling with stake presidents, Area Seventies, the Lord and one another to determine a vision for the Area, they tell members.

The presidency asserts the following vision for the Africa South Area:

To invite all to come unto Christ, make and keep sacred covenants, and become His lifelong disciples.

The presidency has identified three key objectives to achieve this vision. Each of the objectives have been personalised, so that members can view them as a personal statement of intent.

Objective One: I Will Make and Keep Temple Covenants

The Area Presidency extends a heartfelt invitation to each of us to become and remain temple worthy.

“Brothers and sisters, we invite you to make the personal changes needed to qualify for a temple recommend,” says Elder Dube. “As Elder Ronald A. Rasband has said, ‘Begin the process now to become “recommended to the Lord” so that His Spirit will be with you in abundance.’”1

Elder Dube reflected on the words of President Russell M. Nelson: “Individual worthiness to enter the Lord’s house requires much spiritual preparation. But with the Lord’s help, nothing is impossible.”2

Elder Dube promised members that making and keeping temple covenants is “worth the effort.”

“In the words of President Nelson, I testify that ‘such preparatory work brings innumerable blessings in this life and inconceivable blessings in the life to come.’”3

Objective Two: I Will Serve a Mission and I Will Help Others to Serve

“Every one of us who has served a full-time mission can attest to the life-changing experience it is,” says Elder Aidukaitis, first counsellor in the presidency—who spoke about the blessings of his own mission in a recent conference address.

His advice to able young men and young women who so desire is clear: “Decide today to serve a full-time mission.”

Elder Aidukaitis goes on to explain that the Lord’s desire is “for us to double the number of missionaries serving from our area and to become self-sufficient as an area. That means that we should send out to the world at least the same number of missionaries that serve in our area.”

He calls upon parents and leaders to focus on this goal. Their support in “preparing the rising generation for missionary service, will do much to bless the Saints for generations to come in the Africa South Area,” promises Elder Aidukaitis.

Objective Three: I Will Assist in God’s Work by Ministering and by Doing Missionary Work

Elder Denelson Silva, second counsellor in the presidency, paints a word picture for all: “Brothers and sisters,” he says, “can you imagine seeing a temple in every major city on our beautiful continent? Can you imagine seeing Church meetinghouses dotted everywhere on the African map?

“We believe that this is possible,” he continues. “Our people are ready for the truth. And we need to share it.”

The Area Presidency has identified two ways in which members can focus on taking the work of salvation forward: by fervently partnering with the missionaries; and by reaching out in love to our brothers and sisters through the ministering programme.

“Let us join hands in fulfilling the admonition of the ancient prophet Isaiah to lengthen our cords and strengthen our stakes (see Isaiah 54:2),” says Elder Silva. “Indeed, we can build up Zion in Africa.”


  1. Ronald A. Rasband, “Recommended to the Lord,” Liahona, Nov. 2020, 24.

  2. Russell M. Nelson, “Closing Remarks”, Liahona, Nov. 2019, 121.

  3. Russell M. Nelson, “Closing Remarks”, 122.