undefined undefined First General Conference Seen in Tabligbo
First General Conference Seen in Tabligbo
March 2023

General Conference Stories

First General Conference Seen in Tabligbo

For the branch in Tabligbo, about 80 kms north of Lomé, Togo, October 2022 was the first general conference they had ever seen. It was shown in French to about 60 members who gathered in front of the television in their purpose-built, chapel.

Some members in outlying villages walked for 90 minutes to get to church—and 90 minutes home again! On this Sunday, men, women, and children stayed for 6 hours and watched two sessions of conference. For a while it rained heavily on the tin roof, and maximum volume was required on the sound system.

What is remarkable is that half of those in attendance don’t understand French, because they speak only Éwé—and yet they stayed affixed on the screen getting to know the faces of the Seventies, Apostles, and the prophet of the Church. Can the Spirit witness to the faithful even when they cannot understand the words spoken? Sure, it can!