What Does It Mean to Be Called by the Lord?
March 2023

“What Does It Mean to Be Called by the Lord?,” Liahona, Mar. 2023.

Come, Follow Me

Matthew 10

What Does It Mean to Be Called by the Lord?

Jesus sitting and teaching His followers

In Matthew 10, the Savior ordains His twelve Apostles, giving them power, authority, and knowledge to begin preaching His gospel and establishing His Church. He also promises them power to heal, cast out spirits, and speak with authority (see verses 1, 20). As you read in Matthew 10 about the Lord preparing the Apostles for their callings, consider how the Lord has prepared you for your service in the Church.

Counsel from the Lord

The Lord also gave the Apostles some important instructions that would help and sustain them through their ministry. Much of this counsel can also apply to us in our service. As you read the following verses in Matthew 10, note the instructions and invitations that the Lord gave them.

  • Verse 8:


  • Verse 19:


  • Verses 29–31:


  • Verse 39:


When you are called to serve in the Church, the Lord will help you to do His work. He will bless you with experiences, instructions, and revelation. You will be set apart and receive authority from God to fulfill your calling.

You can learn more about the responsibilities of your calling in the General Handbook at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
