Blessed with Power and Strength
June 2023

“Blessed with Power and Strength,” Liahona, June 2023.

Latter-day Saint Voices

Blessed with Power and Strength

My father’s hands trembled as he blessed me with words that changed my life.

a father giving a blessing to his son

Illustration by Dilleen Marsh

When I returned home from my two-year mission, my next goal was to marry in the temple. Unfortunately, I began seeking unwholesome entertainment, giving in to temptation, and dating outside the Church.

Misery, regret, and sorrow followed, including a divorce. I still had a testimony and longed to marry in the temple, but I felt unworthy of those blessings. I buried my feelings of guilt and sought happiness in worldly behaviors.

Eventually my emotions came to the surface, and I was racked with guilt for my transgressions. I fell to my knees and cried unto the Lord with godly sorrow. I promised that from then on, I would live the law of chastity.

But that was not my only struggle. I also wallowed in the depths of drug addiction. One night, I found myself consumed with debilitating fear. With my mobile phone in hand, I stared at my dad’s phone number. It took me over an hour to muster enough courage to call him and ask if I could see him.

After we had talked at length about my struggles, my dad gave me a priesthood blessing. His hands trembled as he spoke with power and conviction. He said Satan and his angels had been working tirelessly on me because my spiritual potential threatened them. Dad said that as long as I was on the earth, I had the opportunity to overcome my addiction. He blessed me with power and strength to do so.

When the blessing ended, I embraced my father and mother and sobbed into my dad’s shoulder. I felt an overwhelming abundance of love and gratitude in my heart. My feelings of hopelessness washed away. The physical cravings of addiction and the heavy cloud of depression and inadequacy also disappeared.

Instantly, I felt a newfound enthusiasm for life and the possibility for joy if I submitted to Heavenly Father’s will. I testify that the power of the priesthood is real and tangible!

In time, Heavenly Father blessed me with a temple marriage, a loving wife who understands the power of the Savior’s Atonement, and two children.

To have risen from the hole I was once in to where I am now is truly a miracle. Through sincere repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, all things are possible! I am living proof of that.
