“Do You Believe in God?,” Liahona, July 2023.
Latter-day Saint Voices
Do You Believe in God?
As my friend shared her concerns, a sudden rush of understanding came over me.
Illustration by Katy Dockrill
Growing up, I never really doubted the truthfulness of the gospel. As I reached my teenage years, however, I questioned whether I truly had a testimony or simply accepted what my parents and friends believed. I prayed that I might know that the gospel is true.
Despite my struggles, a young woman I met at my community college told me she sensed that I understood my purpose and direction in life.
“Do you believe in God?” she asked me.
I told her I did and that my church teaches our relationship with God and the purpose of life. I also told her about the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Restoration. She listened carefully.
The next Sunday at church, I picked up pamphlets about Joseph Smith and the plan of salvation for my friend. After she read them and began reading the Book of Mormon, I took her to church.
Later she told me she had been very close to her older brother. He had been a stunt pilot who performed in local air shows. Sadly, the summer before we met, he had been killed while flying in a show. She was devastated by his death and was concerned about him because he professed to be agnostic. She had been praying to know what his state and standing were before God.
As she shared her concerns, a sudden rush of understanding came over me. It was a sensation of pure truth and light. I understood that our meeting had not happened by chance. Rather, God had heard and responded to the sincere prayer of this brokenhearted young woman.
I was humbled to know that Heavenly Father was aware of me and would consider me worthy to be a tool in His hands in answering her prayer. I understood His great wisdom in using this experience to also answer my prayer to know that the gospel is true.
After preparing, I packed my bags for the best two years of my life. Meanwhile, my friend took the missionary lessons with her sister. Both of them joined the Church and subsequently served missions. After my mission, my friend asked me to perform temple ordinances for her brother.
I know that God hears and answers sincere prayers, though sometimes in a manner or time frame we do not expect.