“Caring for Those in Need,” Liahona, Sept. 2023.
Gospel Basics
Caring for Those in Need
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we follow the Lord’s teaching to care for those in need. We care for others by serving them, helping them become self-reliant, and sharing what we have.
Jesus Christ’s Example
Jesus Christ loved, comforted, and prayed for those around Him. He “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). We can follow His example by loving, comforting, serving, and praying for those around us. We can always be looking for ways to help others.
The word ministering is used in the scriptures and in the Lord’s Church to describe how we care for each other. Priesthood holders are assigned as ministering brothers to each individual or family in the ward or branch. Ministering sisters are assigned to each adult woman. Ministering brothers and sisters ensure that all Church members are remembered and cared for.
Helping Others Become Self-Reliant
We can help family members and friends become self-reliant by encouraging them to find long-term solutions to their problems. We can then support them as they work on their goals. Find more information about self-reliance in the August 2023 Liahona Gospel Basics article.
Serving Others
There are many ways we can serve those around us and help meet their temporal, spiritual, and emotional needs. Learning about others can help us know how we can serve them better. We can also pray for guidance to know what we can do to help.
Sharing What We Have
We can serve others by sharing what God has blessed us with. For example, we can give generous fast offerings or donate to the Church’s Humanitarian Aid fund. We can also serve in our community and our Church callings.
Church Leaders’ Duties
The bishop oversees caring for those in need in his ward. He can use money from fast offerings to help members with needs. Other leaders, including his counselors and the Relief Society and elders quorum presidencies, help members find resources they can use to meet their needs.
Church Humanitarian Efforts
The Church helps people all over the world with emergency response, community projects, and other programs such as clean water and immunizations. To learn more, see Dallin H. Oaks, “Helping the Poor and Distressed,” Liahona, Nov. 2022, 6–8.