Look to God for Purpose and Direction
September 2023

“Look to God for Purpose and Direction,” Liahona, Sept. 2023.

For Parents

Look to God for Purpose and Direction

family praying

Dear Parents,

Our Father in Heaven has not sent us to earth without guidance. Through the divine gifts of scripture, prayer, living prophets, one another, and more, we can look to God for purpose and direction. As you read this issue of the Liahona, ponder the resources He has given us to help us have meaning in this life and return to Him in the next.

Gospel Discussions

Our Unified Role in God’s Plan

As a family, you could read 1 Corinthians 11:11 and discuss what it means. Share statements from Elder Gerrit W. Gong’s article (page 4), which explains the combined role men and women have in the plan of salvation. How can our differences unite us instead of divide us?

The Healing Power of Faith

Read Matthew 15:21–28 together, which talks about the woman of Canaan. Why do you think her faith led to the healing of her daughter? Read passages from President Camille N. Johnson’s article on page 8 to better understand the role of meekness and faith in accessing the Lord’s power.

Daily Reminders of Jesus Christ

Ask your family, How do you remember the Savior in your life? Read key parts from the article on page 38 about the importance of remembering. Consider displaying in your home a picture or quotation that reminds you of Christ.

Come, Follow Me Family Fun

Remember Christ’s Blessings Each Day

1 Corinthians 15

Paul taught the Saints at Corinth “that Christ died for our sins … and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day” (1 Corinthians 15:3–4). He encouraged them to “keep in memory” (1 Corinthians 15:2) the gospel he had preached to them. Invite your family to play this memory game:

  1. Give everyone time to write down a short answer to the following question: What is a gospel blessing that you enjoy because of the Savior’s Atonement? (For some ideas, see 1 Corinthians 15:19–29.)

  2. Take turns sharing what you wrote and repeating by memory what the person before you wrote.

Discussion: How can we better remember the blessings Christ has given us? Consider making a family plan to think of one way each day that Christ has blessed your lives.
