Highlights from the 193rd Semiannual General Conference
November 2023

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Highlights from the 193rd Semiannual General Conference

President Russell M. Nelson’s chair remained empty during general conference, but Church members rejoiced to receive counsel and testimony from their 99-year-old prophet at the end of the last session via a prerecorded message.

President Nelson said pain associated with a recent back injury had increased his “appreciation for Jesus Christ and the incomprehensible gift of His Atonement.” In encouraging members to “think celestial,” he shared things he has learned about Heavenly Father’s “perfect plan”:

  • “The very things that will make your mortal life the best it can be are exactly the same things that will make your life throughout all eternity the best it can be!”

  • “Your choices today will determine three things: where you will live throughout all eternity, the kind of body with which you will be resurrected, and those with whom you will live forever” (page 117).

President Dallin H. Oaks bore witness of the exaltation that awaits faithful Saints (see page 26). President Henry B. Eyring testified of guidance from the Holy Ghost promised to worthy Saints (see page 92; see also Elder Stevenson, page 42). And President M. Russell Ballard bore a powerful testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith’s “glorious responsibility in becoming the prophet of … the dispensation of the fulness of times” (page 74).

Conference speakers taught that our most important choices in mortality center on the Lord Jesus Christ and obedience to His commandments, including the law of tithing (see President Nelson and Elder Andersen, pages 117 and 32). They also taught that we find happiness, healing, and hope through the Savior as we press forward on the covenant path (see Elders Bednar, Godoy, Choi, and Cook, pages 6, 16, 46, and 82; Brother Newman, page 36; and Sisters Wright, Freeman, and Runia, pages 9, 76, and 62) and “express our sacramental covenant commitment to Jesus Christ and each other through our Church callings, fellowship, sociality, and service” (Elder Gong, page 111).

Church leaders encouraged members to embrace “the gift of repentance” (Elder Renlund, page 96; see also President Eyring and Elder Uchtdorf, pages 92 and 86). They taught that the Restoration sheds light on our “divine nature, heritage, and potential” (Elder Soares, page 70; see also Elders Phillips, Giraud-Carrier, and Sabin, pages 49, 114, and 56). And they reminded Latter-day Saints “that to gather Israel we need missionaries—many more than are serving,” especially senior couples (Elder Rasband, page 52; see also Elder Parrella, page 80).

In announcing plans to construct 20 new temples, President Nelson said, “Your service and worship in the temple will help you to think celestial” (page 117; see also Elders Christofferson and Esplin, pages 19 and 108).
