How Did I Live without the Book of Mormon?
February 2024

“How Did I Live without the Book of Mormon?,” Liahona, February 2024.

Latter-day Saint Voices

How Did I Live without the Book of Mormon?

My individual and family study of the Book of Mormon has helped me feel calm, encouraged, and hopeful.

family reading the scriptures together

Photograph courtesy of the author

Some time ago, a friend and I applied for an educational program. I was confident I would be selected. When the results came out, I was disappointed that my friend was selected but I was not. I felt wronged because I thought I deserved to be selected more than my friend.

At that moment, I saw my friend as an opponent or someone who had taken something that belonged to me. A few days later, while studying Jacob 2 in the Book of Mormon, I read how Jacob had rebuked his people for their sins. One of those sins was pride.

Jacob’s teachings made me realize that I was committing the sin of pride toward my friend by thinking I deserved something given to him. Jacob’s words were a revelation to me:

“Let not this pride of your hearts destroy your souls!

“Think of your brethren like unto yourselves” (Jacob 2:16–17).

I prayed to Heavenly Father to forgive me and to help me avoid the sin of pride in the future. Then I spoke to my friend about how I had felt and asked him to forgive me. I felt peace and joy in doing so and in receiving forgiveness from him and from Heavenly Father.

My individual and family study of the Book of Mormon has given me a sense of direction and helped me feel calm, encouraged, and hopeful. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to live for many years without the Book of Mormon!

Without the Book of Mormon, I would not have hope that I could become a better person. My life would be empty and without a clear purpose. I would not know that God has a plan of salvation for His children. I would not have a clear understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I would not have hope for a better world. I would not believe the things I believe, do the things I do, think the way I think, and be who I am.

Through the Book of Mormon, I have received assurance that God loves and cares for all of His children in all parts of the world. I know that the Book of Mormon is truly another testament of Jesus Christ.
