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Delighting in the Sabbath through Sacrifice
March 2024

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Delighting in the Sabbath through Sacrifice

Sydney, Australia newlyweds Oleni and Ana Ngungutau started their life together by praying to know what the Lord had in store for them to learn. Soon after, Oleni was offered a 2-year contract to play rugby for a local club in Griffith, a small town six hours out of Sydney. After much discussion and prayer, they decided to take the offer and the club advanced them wages and bonuses to help the family move and get settled in their new community.

To the couple’s surprise, once the season kicked off, many of the games were scheduled for Sundays. Their first thought was about the club’s help when they arrived. The chairman made it clear that Oleni needed to pay off his debt by playing the games that were scheduled.

Oleni says, “Back when I was playing in Sydney . . . all our rugby games were on Saturdays. This was new to me, and I felt uncomfortable playing on Sundays . . . I felt that I needed to address this concern with my club.”

Not long after that conversation COVID-19 arrived, and the season was cancelled for the year. Oleni felt this was an answer to his prayer, but his contract was extended for two more years so he could play a whole season and clear his debt to the club.

Oleni recalls, “As the new season was approaching in 2021, I advised [the club chairman] that I would not be playing on Sundays and that I would find a way to pay back what I owed. He told me I had two options: ‘play it off’ or ‘pay it off’. I knew without a doubt that the right thing to do was to keep the commandment of the Lord and He would provide a way.”

He contacted his bishop for comfort and counselling and was reassured that his decision was correct. “I called the chairman back and told him that I [was leaving] the club and would pay off my debt. They gave me ten months to do so.”

The Ngungutaus agreed that they would work hard to pay off their debt and serve harder in their callings as seminary teachers. They trusted that if they did their part, the Lord would provide a way.

“After my decision to keep the Sabbath day holy . . .Heavenly Father blessed us in so many ways. Doors were opened and I received a pay raise in my job,” says Oleni. A few months later, Oleni started his own business and was able to pay off the club debt even sooner. The couple could finally move back to Sydney.

That was when Oleni received a call to meet with his stake president, who invited him to serve as bishop of the Griffith Ward, Riverina Stake. “This was a shock,” he recalls. “The drive home was just silent and tearful.” When they arrived, Oleni and Ana knelt in prayer and asked Heavenly Father for comfort.

Oleni remembers: “It was then that the Spirit reassured me that I did not move here from Sydney to play rugby. Heavenly Father brought me here to serve His children and be an instrument in building up His kingdom in this part of His vineyard. Now, we don’t have plans to move back to Sydney but instead plan to serve with all our hearts, might, mind, and strength in this calling. I’ve seen the Lord’s hand in my ministry thus far and have so much love for my ward and this great work.”

“I know my Saviour sacrificed His life for me, and the most I can do in return is strive to be obedient in keeping His commandments. When I fall short, I know I can turn to His Atonement to lift me up and strengthen me to keep pressing forward. Keeping the Sabbath day holy is a blessing. I know as we follow this commandment our lives will be filled with light and wisdom to bless others during the week.”