What Was Going On in the Time of Isaiah?
March 2024

“What Was Going On in the Time of Isaiah?,” Liahona, Mar. 2024.

Come, Follow Me

2 Nephi 11–19

What Was Going On in the Time of Isaiah?

map showing places at time of Isaiah

Nephi felt inspired to share many of the words of the prophet Isaiah. Understanding the geographical and political context behind Isaiah’s prophecies can help you navigate the symbols he used to prophesy about his day and ours.

This map shows the kingdoms in Isaiah’s day. You can use it to follow along as Nephi quotes Isaiah. Isaiah may refer to a place in various ways: by its name, capital city, primary tribe of Israel, political leader, or other symbols. Check the footnotes in the scriptures for more insights.

1. Syria

  • Capital: Damascus

  • Helped Israel attack Judah for not joining an alliance against Assyria

  • Leader: Rezin (see 2 Nephi 17:1, 4, 8)

2. Israel

3. Judah

4. Assyria

  • Military power in Isaiah’s day

  • Conquered Syria, Israel, and eventually all of Judah except Jerusalem

  • Scattered the ten tribes

  • Later conquered by Babylon

  • Symbolic of pride and the destruction of the wicked at the Second Coming (see 2 Nephi 20)

5. Babylon

  • Conquered Assyria and Judah

  • Exiled the Jews from Jerusalem

  • Symbolic of the world and its wickedness