undefined undefined Introduction to the United States and Canada Section
Introduction to the United States and Canada Section
March 2024

“Introduction to the United States and Canada Section,” Liahona, Mar. 2024, United States and Canada Section.

Introduction to the United States and Canada Section

Hill Cumorah

“What a marvelous and wonderful gift the Book of Mormon is to the membership of the Church,” said President M. Russell Ballard in his last general conference address. “It is another witness, another testament that Jesus is the Christ. We have it because Joseph was worthy to go get the plates, was inspired by heaven to translate them by the gift and power of God.” See page U2 to learn more about the translation of the Book of Mormon. Did you know that, in addition to the Three and Eight Witnesses, there were about a dozen other people who felt and saw the gold plates? Read their experiences starting on page U8.