undefined undefined Kiribati Young Adults Invited to ‘Think Celestial’ and Find Joy in Jesus Christ
Kiribati Young Adults Invited to ‘Think Celestial’ and Find Joy in Jesus Christ
April 2024

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Kiribati Young Adults Invited to Think Celestial and Find Joy in Jesus Christ

A five-day Church convention with the theme “I can do all things through Christ” (Philippians 4:13), was held for young adults, ages 18–30, at Moroni High School in Tarawa, Kiribati at the end of 2023.

More than 300 participants came from South Tarawa, Betio and several outer islands, including Kiritimati Island.

Elder Jeremy R. Jaggi, a member of the Pacific Area Presidency, shared a message of love and joy with the young adults via Zoom.

Elder Jaggi said, “We are one family on earth. Our spirits are eternal. Prior to our birth, we all lived with Heavenly Father. One day, our bodies will go the way of the earth, but the essence of who we are, our spirits will continue to live. Because Jesus Christ overcame death, through His power, He will cause our spirits to reunite with our bodies. Sorrow and death will be no more, and we will have joy.”

He continued, “We all make mistakes, but we do not have to spend eternity being sorrowful for our mistakes. We can joyfully repent because Jesus Christ willingly suffered for our mistakes. So, smile!”

Elder Jaggi inquired of the group, “Do you remember what President Russell M. Nelson invited us to do? President Nelson said, ‘Think celestial.’”

“Become spiritually minded and focused on the eternal blessings awaiting you. Think celestial by preparing to receive your endowment in the temple,” he said.

Elder Jaggi added, “In the temple you are shown how to progress toward a celestial life. In the temple you become closer to the Saviour. Your temple endowment is a blessing of greater access to His power. The challenges and difficulties in your life can be overcome by thinking celestial.”

Elder Iotua Tune, Area Seventy, lives in Kiribati and attended the convention. He instructed the young adults to do things in order and in sequence and recognise the pattern for a life of joy.”

He explained that the pattern of life is to “grow your faith in Jesus Christ; willingly give missionary service for the Lord; marry in the Lord’s holy temple for eternity; continue to daily seek learning through prayer, scripture study, and the words of Latter-day prophets; and stay on the Lord’s covenant path.”

Quoting from Proverbs 3:5–6, Elder Tune invited the young adults to: “Trust in the Lord with all [their] heart.” He promised that Jesus Christ would “direct [their] path on their journey toward a celestial life.”

The convention included workshops on the topics of physical and spiritual wellbeing and self-reliance. It also included leadership training, a chance to share talents, and cultural performances.

Young people also helped to clean and beautify the Tungaru Central Hospital compound, a beach in Ambo, and the Bairiki Field.

The convention was organised by Kiribati Church leaders. Elder and Sister Fuimaono, senior missionaries from Samoa, provided many hours of preparation and support for participants throughout the event.

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the globe volunteer in their communities throughout the year and especially during the Christmas season. These experiences teach the importance of loving and ministering to the vulnerable and caring for the environment.

Members of the Church are encouraged to live like the Saviour by caring for people the way He did, throughout their lives.