We Are Called to Do Good
June 2024

“We Are Called to Do Good,” Liahona, June 2024.

We Are Called to Do Good

We build the kingdom of God as we serve others, hold up our light, and stand for religious freedom.

Gideon knew false doctrine when he heard it. He had heard it before from King Noah and his priests—priests who “were lifted up in the pride of their hearts” and who “were supported in their laziness, and in their idolatry, and in their whoredoms, by the taxes which king Noah had put upon his people” (Mosiah 11:5–6).

Worse, King Noah had put the prophet Abinadi to death and had sought to destroy Alma and his converts (see Mosiah 17; 18:33–34). To put an end to such wickedness, Gideon vowed to stop the king, whom he spared only because of a Lamanite invasion (see Mosiah 19:4–8).

Later, Gideon correctly blamed the priests of Noah for carrying away 24 Lamanite daughters. He observed that Abinadi’s prophecy against the people had been fulfilled because they had refused to repent. (See Mosiah 20:17–22.) He helped deliver the people of Limhi, who were in bondage to the Lamanites (see Mosiah 22:3–9).

Now older, Gideon confronted both pride and wickedness once again as he stood before Nehor, who had introduced priestcraft among the people. Nehor was “bearing down against the church” and trying to lead the people astray. (See Alma 1:3, 7, 12; see also 2 Nephi 26:29.)

Using the word of God as his weapon, valiant Gideon admonished Nehor for his wickedness. Angry, Nehor attacked and killed Gideon with his sword. (See Alma 1:7–9.) So ended the days of “a righteous man” who had “done much good among this people” (Alma 1:13).

The latter days in which we live offer us ample opportunities to emulate Gideon as “an instrument in the hands of God” (Alma 1:8) by being “of service” (Mosiah 22:4) to others, standing for righteousness, and withstanding threats to our freedom to worship and serve God. As we follow Gideon’s faithful example, we also can do much good.

woman with food tray standing next to a woman lying in bed

Unite in Service

“As [the Savior’s] followers, we seek to love God and our neighbors throughout the world,” the First Presidency has said. “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is eager to bless others and to help those in need. We are blessed to have the ability, resources, and trusted global connections to carry out this sacred responsibility.”

I am grateful for the unselfish service and ministering that members of the Church offer in our temples and in their wards, branches, and stakes. I am also grateful that Church members serve in countless community, educational, and charitable organizations and that they engage in thousands of humanitarian projects annually, volunteering millions of hours in nearly 200 countries and territories.

One way the Church broadens service opportunities in several countries is through JustServe.org. Sponsored by the Church but available to anyone who wants to bless others, JustServe.org “links community volunteer needs with volunteers” who “enhance the quality of life in the community.”

The Church and its members also team up with service organizations throughout the world. The Church, thanks to its members, was “the largest single Red Cross blood drive contributor in 2022.” In addition, the Church recently made an $8.7 million donation to the Red Cross.

The Church also joins with organizations to bring clean water and sanitation projects to areas throughout the world. In 2022, the Church participated in 156 such projects. We also collaborate with and donate to other agencies that bring relief to God’s suffering children.

“When we join hands to serve people in need,” said President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, “the Lord unites our hearts.”

cupped hands with light of sun

Hold Up Your Light

As the Savior’s disciples, we also bless our neighbors as we keep our covenants and lead Christlike lives. The Book of Mormon teaches that “the people of the church” must not only choose righteousness but also make their righteous voices heard if they wish the Lord to protect and prosper them (see Alma 2:3–7; see also Mosiah 29:27). The Lord expects us to share our faith and beliefs and to hold up our light. “Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up” (3 Nephi 18:24).

“We do not serve our Savior well if we fear man more than God,” said President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency. He added, “We are called to establish the Lord’s standards, not to follow the world’s.”

Whether at school, work, or play, on vacation, on a date, or online, the Lord’s disciples are not “ashamed to take upon them the name of Christ” (Alma 46:21). By our words and our works, we witness that God lives and that we follow His Son.

“Our faith is not compartmentalized, or it certainly shouldn’t be. Faith is not just for church, it’s not just for home, it’s not just for [school],” observed Paul Lambert, a Latter-day Saint expert on religious pluralism. “It’s for everything that you do.”

We do not know the impact our testimony, good example, and good deeds may have on others. But as we stand for right and hold up the Savior’s light, people will notice us and heaven will root for us.

woman standing outside a temple

Stand for Religious Freedom

Today’s priestcraft, with increasingly secular societies bearing down against people of faith, is not so different from that of Book of Mormon times. The voice of those who oppose religion’s vital role in public and political arenas is growing louder. Secularists and governments, including many schools and universities, are coercing conduct and proselytizing immorality, atheism, and moral relativism.

Attacks on religious freedom will be successful if we do not stand up for our religious rights. “As a church,” I recently taught, “we join with other religions protecting people of all faiths and persuasions and their right to speak their convictions.”

A war in heaven was fought over moral agency—our freedom to choose. To preserve our agency requires that we be diligent in protecting our religious freedom.

Vibrant religious faith strengthens and protects families, communities, and nations. It engenders obedience to law, instills respect for life and property, and teaches charity, honesty, and morality—virtues needed to perpetuate a just, free, and civil society. We need never apologize for our faith.

Our missionary efforts, our vicarious work in the temples, our efforts to build the kingdom of God, and our very happiness require that we stand up for religious faith and freedom. We cannot lose that freedom without losing other freedoms.

The Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “It is a love of liberty which inspires my soul—civil and religious liberty to the whole of the human race.” Religious liberty will also inspire our souls as we follow counsel from Church leaders:

  • “Stay informed about issues of public importance, and then speak out with courage and civility.”

  • “Recognize that the erosion of religious freedom will significantly impact our opportunities to grow in strength and gospel knowledge, to be blessed by sacred ordinances, and to rely on the Lord to direct His Church.”

  • “Stand up and speak up to affirm that God exists and that there are absolute truths His commandments establish.”

  • “Challenge laws that would impair our freedom to practice our faiths.”

  • “Go into the world to do good, to build faith in Almighty God, and to help bring others to a happier place.”

  • Study resources at religiousfreedom.ChurchofJesusChrist.org and at religiousfreedomlibrary.org/documents.

We build the kingdom of God as we serve, hold up our light, and stand for religious freedom. May the Lord bless us in our efforts to do “much good” among our families, communities, and nations.


  1. “A Message from the First Presidency,” in Caring for Those in Need: 2022 Annual Report of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3, ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

  2. See Caring for Those in Need: 2022 Annual Report, 4, ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

  3. Justserve.org/about. JustServe is active in 17 nations. Thousands of people and organizations are being blessed through this initiative.

  4. See Kaitlyn Bancroft, “Church Donates $8.7 M as Part of Red Cross Collaboration,” Church News, Apr. 22, 2023, 23.

  5. See Mary Richards, “Church Joins with Groups around the World to Tap into the Gift of Water,” Church News, May 27, 2023, 12.

  6. See Dallin H. Oaks, “Helping the Poor and Distressed,” Liahona, Nov. 2022, 6–8.

  7. Henry B. Eyring, “Opportunities to Do Good,” Liahona, May 2011, 25.

  8. Dallin H. Oaks, “Unselfish Service,” Liahona, May 2009, 94–95.

  9. Paul Lambert, in Rachel Sterzer Gibson, “Why Is There a Need for Faith in the Workplace?” Church News, Apr. 22, 2023, 16.

  10. Ronald A. Rasband, “To Heal the World,” Liahona, May 2022, 92.

  11. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (2011), 345.

  12. D. Todd Christofferson, “Religious Freedom—A Cherished Heritage to Defend” (address at Freedom Festival Patriotic Service, Provo, Utah, June 26, 2016), 5–6, speeches.byu.edu.

  13. Ronald A. Rasband, “Free to Choose” (Brigham Young University devotional, Jan. 21, 2020), 3, speeches.byu.edu.

  14. Dallin H. Oaks, “Truth and Tolerance” (Brigham Young University devotional, Sept. 11, 2011), 2, speeches.byu.edu.

  15. Dallin H. Oaks, “Truth and Tolerance,” 4.

  16. Ronald A. Rasband, “Free to Choose,” 5, speeches.byu.edu.