From Shadows to Sunlight
June 2024

“From Shadows to Sunlight,” Liahona, June 2024, United States and Canada Section.

From Shadows to Sunlight

Why was our grandson running all over the soccer field? The secret to his strange behavior had to do with light.

On a crisp fall morning, the dew on the grass was drying itself in the warmth and light of the rising sun as we watched our four-year-old grandson make his way to the soccer field with his teammates. As soon as the shrill opening whistle faded, little Freddie ran onto the field wildly, zigzagging his way across the grass. As he ran, he made exaggerated circles with his arms in the air, spiraling out of control. He even left the field of play once or twice, moving his head with a strange whirling motion.

boy moving sporadically on soccer field

Illustrations by Bill Mayer

Freddie’s collegiate-athlete parents watched him in dismay and were not amused. In fact, both were confused and frustrated. They knew they had taught their son to play by the rules, to focus, and to compete vigorously. And yet there he was in his own world, buzzing bee-like back and forth across the soccer field.

While Freddie’s parents talked with one another and discussed ways to understand and correct this clearly aberrant behavior, we grandparents watched carefully, trying to unravel the mystery of Freddie’s curious conduct. At halftime the whistle signaled that it was time for the teams to change goals and face the opposite direction. Without any coaching from his parents, when the match resumed, Freddie began to play, focusing intently on the soccer ball. Dribble, dribble, kick! Goal! Suddenly, the zigzagging, bee-boy was able to focus on his objective, follow the rules, and achieve success!

boy kicking ball toward goal on soccer field

What Had Changed?

What could possibly explain the dramatic difference in Freddie’s behavior?

While marveling at Freddie’s transformation, we began to see the light. It all had to do with shadows and sunlight. When the match started, the sun was at Freddie’s back, so in the morning sunlight, his body cast a long shadow. As he watched his shadow, he was fascinated with his manipulation of its movement, and its distracting darkness drew his attention away from what he should have been doing.

In the second half of the game, when he changed direction and faced the sun, his shadow fell behind him. The sun and Freddie’s position eliminated his dark silhouette on the field before him, and he fixed his focus on his goal. Facing the light, Freddie was able to clearly center his attention on his objective. Without the distraction of his shadow, he remembered the rules and began to abide by them.

Where Can We Find Light?

As sons and daughters of God, we are often faced with difficult decisions that require us to choose between light and dark, right and wrong. We can choose to look toward the light of truth and allow it to guide us and help us make informed, inspired choices, or we can choose to be distracted from truth by darkness and deceit (see 2 Nephi 2:27).

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are taught to follow Jesus Christ, the source of the light of truth. Where can we find His light?

  1. The scriptures contain the doctrine of Christ (see 2 Nephi 31)—the light and truth of His gospel. As we study and ponder the scriptures, we can liken them to our own lives. We can find truth as we put ourselves in the scriptures and learn from wise men and women. (See 1 Nephi 19:23.) We can overcome the adversary when we choose to study and ponder scripture each day.

  2. We find light through Jesus Christ’s chosen messengers. Prophets will never lead us astray. We can trust them and learn truth from them (see Amos 3:7). We can resist temptation by seeking and following the words of living prophets.

  3. We can find light in personal revelation. In seeking truth, we can prepare our minds and our hearts to hear our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost (see Doctrine and Covenants 8:2–3; 9:7–9). It is essential that we remain worthy to hear. We can quench the fiery darts of the adversary by preparing for and heeding the messages that come to us from the Holy Ghost.

Lessons Learned

Freddie’s soccer experience is a powerful metaphor for life. When we focus on darkness and shadows, we lose sight of our goals and our true purpose in life. We become distracted and fascinated by things that don’t matter much, things that lead us away from Christ, or things that merely waste our precious time. We act erratically and lose our way.

In contrast, when we choose to turn toward Jesus Christ’s light and goodness, we become centered in Him, and He helps us stay focused on our objectives. Through the Holy Ghost, He will guide us to make decisions that will bless our lives. (See John 14:26; Doctrine and Covenants 88:6–13.)

President Russell M. Nelson teaches us that “as we seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ, our efforts to hear Him need to be ever more intentional. It takes conscious and consistent effort to fill our daily lives with His words, His teachings, His truths.”

As we diligently strive to follow Jesus Christ, our understanding and ability to discern truth will grow. As we choose to hear, heed, and apply the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost will guide us on the path of truth illuminated by the Savior.

To avoid zigzagging through life with damaging disobedience and detours that lead to darkness and sin, we can choose to stop, change direction, and allow the Savior to guide us with His light. In doing this, we choose to focus not on the darkness and shadows of falsehood and impropriety but rather on the light and goodness of Jesus Christ and His miraculous teachings.

The authors live in Utah.


  1. Russell M. Nelson, “Hear Him,” Liahona, May 2020, 89.
