undefined undefined The Transformative Power and Blessings of the Children & Youth Program (CYD).
The Transformative Power and Blessings of the Children & Youth Program (CYD).
August 2024

Member Voices

The Transformative Power and Blessings of the Children and Youth Program

The Port Harcourt Central Stake of the Port Harcourt Coordinating Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was created in November 2021, and I was called as the stake Relief Society president. Having served for five months, I was called to the Africa West Area as area organization adviser in March 2022 and in my second year of service, was assigned to the Uyo Coordinating Council Area in Nigeria.

The Children and Youth Development Program was regarded by some as a very complex program.

By virtue of my calling as the area organizational adviser in charge of Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary, I had the opportunity to meet with several children, youths and their leaders and talk to them concerning their goals and their plans to achieve this great work.

I found that many of these children and youths found it difficult to set achievable goals and make plans to achieve them. I decided to study the pamphlet and guidebook to better understand it. I then decided to help the children and youth make it a Christ-centered and a learner-focused program to be able to better explain to the children, youth, and their leaders on how the program works and how to help them set more realistic and achievable goals.

While at it, a thought came to my heart: “Why don’t you practice what you preach?”

This thought so pierced my heart that I couldn’t shake it off. The thought of me mentoring and supporting youths and their leaders to develop and improve themselves and not leading by example was a no-no! These thoughts fueled me to look at my life and set goals according to the four areas of growth. I then went to Heavenly Father in prayer and the impression came more strongly, lead by example. Hence, I decided to work on the Children and Youth development program myself!

Physically: There was a need for me to improve my appearance I decided to learn how to apply a proper and modest make-up, make clothes for myself and family. I went online, downloaded video tutorials on the combination of simple makeup colors and how to measure, cut and sew dresses. I did set a short-term goal of three months to achieve this. Today I make clothes for myself, family, friends and even sisters around me wear my designs – Hachron Designs.

Intellectually: To improve myself intellectually, I decided to continue my education by going for my master’s degree and a certificate course in BYU-Pathway Worldwide. This was a 12-month goal. Today I have earned a master of science in mathematics/statistics, a certificate with BYU-Pathway. Presently, I am undergoing my doctorate degree program.

Socially: I decided to manage my time so I would have more time for my loved ones and boost my mental health. Sometimes it is difficult to navigate all these activities while magnifying my calling, attending lectures, meeting up to make dresses and attending training meetings. But when Heavenly Father sees the sincere desires of our hearts and determination to learn, grow and develop, He gives us renewed strength and sends angels our way to lighten our load—just like He gave me a very beautiful and supportive family and a very reliable and dependable secretary.

Spiritually: I decided to say my prayers frequently and fervently, study the scriptures more often and be consciously engaged in family history work. I have been able to complete my family tree to the ninth generation and have extended it to my in-laws. Now my family tree is as large as an obeche tree. I feel closer to Heavenly Father and the Saviour Jesus Christ as I involve my family in prayers and scripture study. Also, I needed to minister more to not only my assigned sisters but also to everyone around me.

I recognize the importance of continuous learning and skill development to unlock personal potential and navigate the complexities of this world.

Another skill that significantly contributed to my personal growth was time management. I try to plan my day, week, month, and year with my family and with my secretary to balance both my personal life and my calling. As I sharpened my ability to prioritize tasks and allocate time effectively, I found myself more organized and less stressed. This not only improved my academic performance but also allowed me to practice and sharpen my sewing skills and learn new styles and designs, visit more sisters, and feel the Saviour’s love whenever I minister to them. Balancing responsibilities and passions created a more fulfilling and well-rounded life for me.

The Children and Youth Program has been a transformative force in my personal journey. A doctorate degree in mathematics and statistics in the making, a make-up and fashion designing skill, time management skills, and ministering as the Saviour would, have collectively sculpted a better version of myself. The continuous pursuit of learning and skill refinement remains an ongoing process, ensuring that I am equipped to face the ever-evolving challenges of life with confidence and adaptability.

Indeed, the Lord does speak through His prophet. Heeding the words and counsels of the prophet and our leaders has brought immense blessings and joy to my life and that of my family at large. If I can develop so much in a year, imagine how much more our children and youth who begin this program very early will develop over the years!