Poem- Joseph Smith
At fourteen, a young searching mind
seeking truth he did find
He saw the Father and the Son in glory.
The answer he received to tell the world his story
Oh, can we believe one so immature?
Mockery and revile of men he did endure
He grew in stature and faith, despite his woes
With obedience he overcame his foes
The gospel truth he did restore
Our Saviour he did adore
Translation of the sacred work
against all odds he did not shirk,
He knew that which he did see
His sacred duty to help us be free
He knew the Lord was always near
His work he continued, at times in fear
of his life, for not in vain
or of this world did he seek fame
Vials of wrath poured upon his head
His mission over, his blood was shed
with his testimony, sealed the restoration
of the latter day dispensation
So grateful to that young boy
as in this life we may have joy
and strive ourselves to perfect, as we serve
like he, we pray, the Celestial World to deserve.