Billingham Stake Light the World
December 2024

Billingham Stake Light the World

Billingham Stake wholeheartedly joined with others across the world by exemplifying Christ’s example through the Light the World campaign. The stake’s social media pages were used to share inspirational posts and experiences about lighting the world. President Jordan Broadbent, along with his counsellors, President Edward Nolan and President Wayne Reynoldson, recorded videos to encourage members to “Love, Share and Invite.”

Relief Society sisters in Billingham Stake came together to sort items for the Somewhere Else charity in Stockton. Assisted by missionaries, Elder Bevan and Elder Landers, the sisters enthusiastically transported bags of pasta, washing-up liquid, flour, stock cubes, and other items to fill care packages. A group of members and missionaries went to the Somewhere Else premises to complete and finish off the care packages ready for distribution. Carole Le Darcy, a member of Billingham Ward, founder and CEO of the charity Somewhere Else, recalls: “I was delighted with the offer of help to purchase much-needed items for our beneficiaries and overwhelmed with the response from church members who came together to sort and package in preparation for distribution. ...It was wonderful to have the missionaries and church members come to our building, and with a little help from some of our beneficiaries, the project was complete. We are so grateful for all the church has done to support our charity, I only wish that you could see the joy and gratitude in the faces of the recipients.”

A stake youth service project involved making parcels with hygiene products, gloves, nappies, pyjamas, and books for a baby bank at The Teesside Vineyard Church. Stake Young Women’s President, Sarah Crawford, already had links with a lady that worked at the baby bank and used that link to allow the youth to contribute meaningfully to the community.

Darlington Ward graciously gave up an evening to join with Kings Church to pack numerous food parcels for single people in Darlington. Karen Nolan reflects back on that evening: “My family and I really enjoyed working with members of our ward and the staff at Kings Church Food Bank to pack over a 100 food parcels for single people in Darlington. It was a small act of service which we all enjoyed, but I know it was greatly appreciated.”

A real highlight of Billingham Stake’s Light the World calendar was their Christmas Carol service at Middlesbrough Chapel, with Mayor of Middlesbrough, Chris Cooke, and Councillor Stella Tranter in attendance. The male soloist, Sam Rushworth of the Newton Aycliffe Ward, began the service with ‘Once in Royal David’s City’, soon accompanied by other singers who made their way from the back of the chapel carrying candles. The candles shining in the dark room reflected perfectly the message of Light the World - that Jesus Christ is the light that illuminates this darkened world. We can follow His example and hold up our lights to illuminate ours and other’s paths around us.

President Jordan Broadbent, Billingham Stake President, rounded off the evening with a deeply touching address to the congregation. Connor Duncanson, Branch President of Peterlee, was the organiser of the event and arranged the order of the service as well as being the stake choir leader, conductor and pianist. Billingham Stake are blessed with the talents he shares. The Mayor, Chris Cooke, and Councillor Stella Tranter were enthusiastic about the whole evening. Stella Tranter remarked that ‘The choir sang beautifully! It was a blessing to see the children take part with singing and signing at the same time. Thank you for your invitation. I was truly blessed by all your efforts to provide such a wonderful evening.”

Billingham Stake promoted Christmas Eve Sunday Services using Light the World templates for printed and digital posters. These were distributed in communities and posted on local Facebook groups, with missionaries aiding in the effort. The services emphasised not just attendance but the collective effort to Love, Share and Invite.

President Jordan Broadbent remarked: “Just as small, simple Christmas lights, when shining together, can help to transform even the darkest and coldest of nights into a thing of beauty, so too can we, as disciples of Jesus Christ, strive to bring His light to all those around us through acts of Christlike service. How grateful I am to all in our stake who have chosen to embrace the invitation to reach out to others this Christmas season with love, faith and kindness.”

The words of the scripture in John 8:12 ‘I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life’ was definitely shared in the community by Billingham Stake in December 2023.