undefined undefined February: The Earth Was Created for Heavenly Father’s Children
February: The Earth Was Created for Heavenly Father’s Children

“February: The Earth Was Created for Heavenly Father’s Children,” 2018 Outline for Sharing Time: I Am a Child of God (2017)

“February,” 2018 Outline for Sharing Time


The Earth Was Created for Heavenly Father’s Children

“We will make an earth whereon these may dwell; and we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them” (Abraham 3:24–25).

Supplement the ideas provided here with some of your own. Each week, plan ways to (1) identify the doctrine, (2) help the children understand it, and (3) help them apply it in their lives. Ask yourself, “What will the children do to learn, and how can I help them feel the Spirit?”

Week 1: Jesus Christ created the earth under the direction of Heavenly Father.

Identify the doctrine (seeing pictures): Show a picture of the earth and ask the children who created the earth. Explain that Jesus Christ created the earth under Heavenly Father’s direction. Then show a picture of Jesus Christ and invite the children to say, “Jesus Christ created the earth.”

Encourage understanding (drawing pictures): Tell the children that part of Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness was that an earth would be created where we would gain a body so we could grow and learn. Draw six numbered circles on the chalkboard. Divide the children into six groups, and ask each group to read one of the following scripture passages about the six days of the Creation: Genesis 1:1–5 (day 1); Genesis 1:6–8 (day 2); Genesis 1:9–13 (day 3); Genesis 1:14–19 (day 4); Genesis 1:20–23 (day 5); Genesis 1:24–31 (day 6). Invite each group to come one at a time to the front of the room, tell the other children what happened on the day they read about, and draw a picture that represents that day in the corresponding circle. Read Genesis 2:1–3 together. Review with the children what happened on each day of the Creation.

days of Creation

Week 2: The Fall was part of God’s plan.

Identify the doctrine (seeing a picture): Show a picture of Adam and Eve. Tell the children that Adam and Eve were the first people to come to earth and receive bodies; they were placed in a garden called Eden. Explain that when they left the garden, it became possible for us to come to earth; their leaving the garden is called the Fall. Write “The Fall was part of God’s plan” on the board, and have the children say it with you.

Encourage understanding (discussing the doctrine): Draw two circles on the board, and label one spirit world and the other earth. Explain that when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, we were in the spirit world. Show a picture of some children, and tape it on the board in the “spirit world” circle. Explain that after Adam and Eve left the garden, we could come to the earth. Invite a child to move the picture of the children to the “earth” circle. Ask the children to put their thumbs up if they think the Fall was good, and invite a child to explain why.

Encourage application (playing a matching game): Prepare several pairs of matching phrases representing blessings we experience in mortality (for example, a body, families, choices between good and evil, opportunities to learn, health and sickness, happiness and sadness, joy and pain). Place the papers facedown on the board. Invite children to take turns choosing two papers to see if the phrases match. When a match is found, discuss why it is a blessing.

Week 3: I have been sent to earth to gain a body and to be tested.

teacher tracing outline of child on chalkboard

Children can be your best visual aids.

I have been sent to earth to gain a ________ and to be tested.

Identify the doctrine (seeing a visual): Write on the board, “I have been sent to earth to gain a ________ and to be tested.” Invite a child to come to the front of the room and draw his or her body on the chalkboard or a large piece of paper. Ask the children to tell you what the drawing is (a body). Fill in the blank and have the children say the sentence together.

Encourage understanding and application (participating in a physical activity): Make a spinner displaying pictures of several parts of the body (see example below). Discuss several things that our bodies can do, and invite the children to do them with you (for example, wiggling your fingers, stomping your feet, and turning around). Explain that one reason we came to earth was to be tested to see if we will use our bodies to obey Heavenly Father’s teachings. Invite the children to take turns spinning the pointer and telling how they can use the part of the body indicated to obey Heavenly Father. (If you cannot make a spinner, point to different parts of your body and ask the children to tell you how they can use that part of their body to obey Heavenly Father.) Invite the children to sing “I Have Two Ears” (CS, 269).


Spinner available at sharingtime.lds.org

Week 4: If I keep the commandments, I can live with Heavenly Father again.

Identify the doctrine (singing a song): Write on the board, “If I keep the ______________, I can live with Heavenly Father again.” Hum “Keep the Commandments” (CS, 146). Invite the children to stand when they recognize the song and join in humming. Ask: “What do we need to do to live with Heavenly Father again?” Write “commandments” in the space on the board. Invite the children to sing the song with you.

Encourage understanding (discussing commandments): Invite a few children to share some rules their parents have made that keep their family members safe. Ask: “What happens when you obey the rules?” Write their ideas on the board. Explain that parents show love when they establish rules. Ask: “What happens when we obey Heavenly Father’s commandments?” Write some of the children’s comments on the board. Explain that just as obeying their parents’ rules will keep them safe, obeying Heavenly Father’s commandments will help keep them safe. Bear your testimony that if we obey the commandments, we will be able to return to live with Him again.


Available at sharingtime.lds.org

Encourage application (reading scriptures): Give each child a pencil and a piece of paper divided into four sections, with one of the following scripture references written in each section: D&C 1:37, D&C 10:5, D&C 59:9–10, and D&C 119:4. Ask the children to read each scripture together as a class, discuss the commandment it describes, and draw a picture of that commandment on their papers. When they are finished, invite the children to share how keeping the commandments will help them prepare to live with Heavenly Father again.