About the Magazines
A Family of Global Magazines
A Family of Global Magazines

“A Family of Global Magazines,” Jan. 2022.

A Family of Global Magazines


Beginning in January 2021, the Church began publishing three global magazines: the Friend (for children ages 3–11), For the Strength of Youth (for youth ages 11–18), and the Liahona (for adults). These magazines replaced the four previous Church magazines, three of which had been published only in English.

When they announced these new magazines, the First Presidency stated, “Our desire is that members everywhere will subscribe and welcome this faith-sustaining influence into their hearts and homes” (First Presidency letter, August 14, 2020).

We are working hard to make sure that whether you’re from Slovenia or Spain, Madagascar or Massachusetts, these magazines are for you. So whether you speak Korean or Kiribati, whether your home is brick or bamboo, whether you were baptized 80 years ago or just yesterday, these articles reflect your testimony, your experience, and your household of faith. That is one of the great blessings of these global magazines: they unite us and remind us that we all belong to a worldwide Church family.

Having three global magazines will allow about 97 percent of members to receive a print magazine every month or every other month. (In the past, some languages received only one magazine a year!) Check out this FAQ page for more information about how frequently magazine content will be published in different languages.

In the Magazines collection in the Gospel Library, you’ll see a tile for each of the three global magazines, as well as a tile for the new digital-only publication for young adults called YA Weekly. You can learn more about each of these publications here in the “About the Church Magazines” section.
