Helps for Presidencies

“Principles—What,” Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Camp Guide (2019)

“Principles—What,” Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Camp Guide

young men around campfire


Be with Them

Among the important factors that shape a young man’s testimony are his relationships with others who are anchored in the gospel. Positive relationships between peers, parents, and leaders are critical to deepening conversion in young men.

Camps provide opportunities to spend meaningful time with each young man. As you get to know the young men’s hearts and desires, their ambitions and fears, their talents and weaknesses, they will know that you care. When they know you care, your guiding influence can lead them to the Savior.

The outdoors provides a useful setting where young men can become more like the Savior as they work together, accomplish challenging tasks, have fun, and learn to minister to others. As quorum leaders and advisers, you can be an example of ministering as you lift others, strengthen relationships with and develop trust among the young men, and reach out to include all. They learn by watching—then doing.

You have a great opportunity to minister to each young man in the following ways:

  • Pray for each young man before camp and each day during camp.

  • Spend time to get to know each young man individually.

  • Make sure each young man is included and feels loved, especially those who struggle, lack support, or are beginning to stray.

  • Perform simple acts of kindness and service and invite the young men to do the same.

  • Be prepared to share your testimony both spontaneously and in planned settings.

young men praying

Connect Them with Heaven

Camps create unique and lasting opportunities to connect young men with their Heavenly Father. Quorum leaders and advisers plan each day by asking, “What opportunities will we create for each young man to have his own spiritual experience?” A primary objective of camping is to help each young man become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to live its teachings. Each young man should return from camp better knowing the source for spiritual and temporal guidance.

As you plan what to teach at camp, consider knowledge and skills that will help each young man fulfill his priesthood duties and prepare him to become a diligent missionary, a loyal husband, and a loving father. Provide a balance of opportunities to serve others and to develop spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually (see Luke 2:52). Also consider activities that emphasize the holy habits and righteous routines of daily scripture study, personal prayer, repentance, obedience, and Sabbath-day observance.

Young men often gain more from gospel conversations than they do from hearing lectures about the gospel. Take advantage of every opportunity to let the young men talk about their experiences. Camp can provide great opportunities for informal conversations that can connect young men with heaven.

young men snowshoeing

Let Them Lead

Like all people, young men desire to feel needed. They need to feel your trust and be given meaningful assignments. Young men who are underwhelmed by their priesthood responsibilities are more likely to be overwhelmed by the world.

Young men develop leadership skills as they plan and lead camps. Advisers can help the young men learn to lead by supporting and guiding as the quorum presidencies plan the camp. Help them learn how to:

  • Serve.

  • Teach.

  • Delegate.

  • Communicate expectations.

  • Follow up on assignments.

Consider what Elder Jeffrey R. Holland has said: “We underestimate their ability and overestimate their experience” (“You Can Teach in the Savior’s Way” [worldwide leadership training meeting, Nov. 5, 2016],

In addition to quorum presidencies, other young men can be assigned to be responsible for various aspects of camp. Quorum advisers help support, teach, and guide young men to be successful at fulfilling their assignments so that all youth learn to lead.

Quorum leaders counsel with the bishopric and quorum advisers as they plan, execute, and evaluate the camp. They delegate assignments to other young men in the quorum.

Advisers should resist the urge to assume responsibilities that belong to the young men.
