Adjustments to the Scriptures

“Adjustments to the Scriptures,” About the Scriptures (2019)

“Adjustments to the Scriptures,” About the Scriptures


Adjustments to the Scriptures

The current printing masters of the 1979 edition of the King James Version of the Bible and the 1981 edition of the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price have deteriorated because of age and long use. The quality of the typeface is no longer as clear and sharp as it should be. Therefore, in the process of preparing new printing masters, the Church has taken the opportunity to make adjustments.

Scripture Text

Spelling.The spelling of some words has been corrected to reflect the spellings in more recent editions of the King James Version of the Bible since the printing of the 1979 edition, such as asswaged to assuaged (Genesis 8:1; Job 16:5, 6) and stedfast(-ly, -ness) to steadfast(-ly, -ness).

Typographical Errors.Adjustments have been made to resolve minor typographical errors in spelling, wording, and punctuation, restoring earlier readings of the text and maintaining the fidelity and integrity of the scriptures.

Study Aids

More than 99 percent of the adjustments are in the study aids. Errors in cross-references, date information, or misquoted text have been resolved in the footnotes, Topical Guide, Bible Dictionary, and triple combination index. Historical or factual information has been corrected and updated. Some entries have been updated. For example, under “Ahab,” item 1, the last sentence “the united forces were defeated by Shalmaneser II” was changed to “the united forces were defeated by Shalmaneser III,” the correct historical figure.


A number of adjustments have been made to the layout. The quality of the font and typeface has been improved for clearer reading, title pages were standardized, appendix items were reformatted, the Bible Chronology and Harmony of the Gospels have been given their own sections, and the maps and photos have been improved. See more detailed information on specific sections below.

Title Pages

The style and format of titles have been standardized throughout the scriptures.

Bible Title Page.The style and format of titles have been standardized throughout the scriptures.

Old Testament Title Page.The style and format of titles have been standardized throughout the scriptures.

New Testament Title Page.The style and format of titles have been standardized throughout the scriptures.

Triple Combination Title Page.The style and format of titles have been standardized throughout the scriptures.

Book of Mormon Title Page.The style and format of titles have been standardized throughout the scriptures.

Doctrine and Covenants Title Page.The style and format of titles have been standardized throughout the scriptures.

Pearl of Great Price Title Page.The style and format of titles have been standardized throughout the scriptures.

Scripture Text, Headings, and Footnotes

Scripture text was set apart, chapter summaries were standardized, and adjustments were made in footnotes.

Scripture Text, Headings, and Footnotes.In the Book of Mormon, all scripture text that is part of the translation from the plates has been placed in roman typeface. Only study helps, such as chapter headings, remain in italic. The style and language of the chapter summaries have been standardized throughout the scriptures. Known errors in footnotes were corrected, such as incorrect references or cross-references to other scripture passages or study helps.

Triple Combination Contents Page.The tables of contents, introductions, and abbreviations pages have been standardized.

Book of Mormon Contents Page.The tables of contents, introductions, and abbreviations pages have been standardized.

Pearl of Great Price Introduction.The tables of contents, introductions, and abbreviations pages have been standardized.

Appendix Material

Adjustments were made in the appendix items for easier reference and to reflect more recent scholarship.

Topical Guide.The Topical Guide and triple combination index have been reformatted for easier identification of main entries. Also, each book of scripture (Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price) has been separated for easier reference.

Bible Dictionary.In the Bible Dictionary, numbered subtopics in a main entry have been separated to be consistent throughout the dictionary and to help the reader more readily identify each of the numbered elements.

Bible Chronology.The Bible Chronology, with the existing introduction, has been moved from the Bible Dictionary to become a separate item in the appendix for easier reference for the reader. A cross-reference to its new placement remains in the Bible Dictionary.

Harmony of the Gospels.The Harmony of the Gospels has been given its own section in the appendix. It was reformatted for easier use and revised to reflect more recent scholarship regarding the sequence of events.

Joseph Smith Translation

The typeface has been enlarged for easier reading, a new introduction has been included, and numerous entries have been added or adjusted.


Maps were adjusted to improve quality, accuracy, and gospel study.

Maps.Maps were adjusted to improve quality, accuracy, and gospel study. Some of the adjustments include: (1) the Bible maps were placed after the Harmony of the Gospels, (2) the index of place-names now follows the maps, (3) some of the maps were enlarged and placed on a separate page, and (4) errors in location and place-names were corrected.


Photographs were adjusted to improve quality, accuracy, and gospel study.

Bible Photographs.Photographs were adjusted to improve quality, accuracy, and gospel study. Some of the adjustments include: (1) consolidating the current explanations of the photographs with the actual photographs; (2) placing each photograph on a separate page, in portrait layout, with its appropriate description and explanation; (3) improving the quality of the existing photographs and replacing some with better, more accurate images; and (4) correcting some place-name errors.

Church History Photographs.Photographs were adjusted to improve quality, accuracy, and gospel study. Some of the adjustments include: (1) consolidating the current explanations of the photographs with the actual photographs; (2) placing each photograph on a separate page, in portrait layout, with its appropriate description and explanation; (3) improving the quality of the existing photographs and replacing some with better, more accurate images; and (4) correcting some place-name errors.

Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price

Since the 1981 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, historical research, much of it conducted by those working on the Joseph Smith Papers, has led to new information on many of the sections in the Doctrine and Covenants. Adjustments have been made to correct inaccurate facts, to provide more precise dating of many sections, and, in some cases, to supply historical context that better aids in the understanding of the sections.

Additional Questions

Have adjustments been made in past editions of the Doctrine and Covenants?Short headings were used in the earliest printed collections of Joseph Smith’s revelations, the Book of Commandments (1833) and the Doctrine and Covenants (1835). Section headings have been substantially revised in many editions of the Doctrine and Covenants, particularly those published in 1876, 1921, and 1981.

How many adjustments have been made in the 2013 edition’s section headings of the Doctrine and Covenants?Adjustments, many of which are very minor, have been made to 78 section headings.

What types of adjustments have been made in the section headings and in the introduction of the Doctrine and Covenants?The adjustments fall into three basic categories. First, 38 section headings contain either corrected or more precise dates or locations. Second, factual errors have been corrected or deleted. Finally, historical context has been added or updated for many section headings.

Why have the references to the History of the Church been deleted?The parenthetical references to the History of the Church have been deleted in the section headings and in other locations in introductory material. While foundational for our understanding of early Latter-day Saint history, the History of the Church contains historical errors about some sections of the Doctrine and Covenants and is inaccessible to most Church members. In addition, the revised section headings rely on other sources, including the Manuscript History of the Church, early manuscript revelation books, and other sources that are reproduced in the Joseph Smith Papers. Quotations from the Manuscript History of the Church and the History of the Church are collectively referred to in section headings as Joseph Smith’s history.

Why have headings been added for Official Declaration 1 and Official Declaration 2?Introductions have been added to Official Declaration 1 and Official Declaration 2 to help Church members and others understand the historical context that led to these revelatory statements.

Why has the Church History Chronology been removed?The Church History Chronology has been removed so a more comprehensive version could be made available on the Church History website. This will allow for regular updating.

Where can I learn more about the new historical information in the section headings?In 2009, the Joseph Smith Papers published photographs and transcriptions of the manuscript revelation books into which early Latter-day Saints copied Joseph Smith’s revelations. These manuscript revelation books, which are available to view for free at, have greatly aided in understanding the context of many revelations. In late 2013, the Joseph Smith Papers published the first two volumes in its Documents series, which provide extensive historical introductions and annotations for Joseph Smith’s revelations through January 1833. For historical background behind specific adjustments, see “Explanations for the Doctrine and Covenants Section Headings.”

Is there any additional information available about the adjustments?The “Summary of Approved Adjustments for the 2013 Edition of the Scriptures” offers an abbreviated summary of the adjustments. An expanded version of this document is also available.
