“2 Nephi 17–19: The Titles and Roles of Jesus Christ,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“2 Nephi 17–19,” Book of Mormon Student Manual
2 Nephi 17–19
The Titles and Roles of Jesus Christ
Why is the Savior Jesus Christ someone you can trust? In these chapters, the Lord encourages two kings who are threatened by strong armies to trust in Him. Isaiah then prophesies of the Savior Jesus Christ, listing several of His titles and attributes. This lesson is intended to help you trust Jesus Christ through studying and understanding His attributes and titles.
What can we learn from titles?
Imagine that you have never met the following four people, but you know their titles:
Police Officer
Young Women’s President
Which of these people would you go to for help if someone was trying to rob you? If you had a difficult health issue? For spiritual counsel?
In what other situations might these people be uniquely qualified to help?
How does knowing their titles help you understand what they are qualified to help with?
Take a moment to ponder any situations or challenges you might face that you would like help with.
Jesus Christ has many roles and titles. Each of them teaches us something important about Him and His ability to help us. As you study today, look for His titles and roles and ponder how He may be uniquely qualified to help you.
The Lord’s words to two kings of Judah
During the time of Isaiah, King Ahaz of Judah and afterward his son, King Hezekiah, both faced extremely difficult situations: powerful nations threatened to attack them. In both cases, the Lord urged the kings and their people to trust in Him rather than make alliances with other nations. Read the following verses, looking for phrases that indicate the Lord is inviting them to trust Him.
2 Nephi 17:3–7. King Ahaz was threatened by King Rezin of Syria and King Pekah of Israel, who planned to attack and put a new king on the throne.
2 Nephi 18:11–13, 17. King Hezekiah was being invaded by the Assyrians and knew his army was not strong enough to stop them. (The word confederacy refers to forming an alliance with other countries to defend themselves.)
What did you find?
Why might it be difficult for a king and his people to trust in the Lord rather than form an alliance with another nation?
What would they need to know about the Lord to trust in Him?
As you continue to study, ponder what it means to trust the Lord in the specific challenges that you face.
Titles of the Savior
In a verse you studied, Isaiah used a specific title for Jesus Christ that, if understood, could help these kings and their people trust in Him. Review 2 Nephi 18:13 and consider marking this title.
Identifying and understanding the titles of the Savior can help us know, love, and trust Him more in our lives. To help you understand the title “Lord of Hosts,” look up what it means in the Guide to the Scriptures or the Bible Dictionary.
Answer the following questions:
What did you learn about Jesus Christ?
How would this role uniquely qualify the Savior to help these kings and their people when threatened by other armies?
Isaiah’s Prophecies
Isaiah also prophesied to these kings and their people of the Savior’s birth and millennial reign. Read 2 Nephi 17:14–15; 19:2, 6–7, looking for what Isaiah taught about Jesus Christ, especially His titles.
If you would like to identify additional titles of the Savior recorded in the Book of Mormon so far, consider reading some of the following verses: 1 Nephi 10:4–6; 12:18; 13:41; 15:14–15; 17:30; 19:12; 2 Nephi 1:10; 2:6, 10; 9:5, 46; 10:3, 14; 15:16. There are also titles and scripture references in the Topical Guide, Guide to the Scriptures, and the Triple Combination Index, under “Jesus Christ.”
Select one title of the Savior that you would like to know more about. Then do the following:
Explain what this title means to you. (Consider looking up the title in Guide to the Scriptures or the Bible Dictionary. If the title is not listed, consider studying a general entry on Jesus Christ and pondering how the title you chose may relate to His overall character and mission. It may also be helpful to look the title up in a regular dictionary.)
Think of a story or find a picture that shows the Savior acting in the role you picked.
Explain what the title teaches you about who the Savior is, His motives, His love, and His power.
Explain how this role uniquely qualifies the Savior to help you in your life or why you might trust in Him. (This may include how the Savior has already helped you in your life.)
Trusting in the Lord
Unfortunately, King Ahaz and many of the people of Judah chose not to believe Isaiah and did not trust in the Lord for protection. His people were attacked, and many were captured and enslaved. (See 2 Kings 16; 2 Chronicles 28.) King Hezekiah, unlike his father, chose to trust in the Lord and follow Isaiah’s counsel. As a result, the Lord defended the people in Jerusalem by sending an angel to destroy the attacking army. (See 2 Kings 19:15–20, 32–35.)
Ponder what you have learned and felt about Jesus Christ in this lesson. In your study journal, write how you might increase your trust in Him. You may list a specific title or role He has and how you would like to trust in Him in that role more.