“2 Nephi 29: Receive More of God’s Word,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“2 Nephi 29,” Book of Mormon Student Manual
2 Nephi 29
Receive More of God’s Word
Many people believe the Bible to be the word of God. However, not all of them are willing to receive more of God’s word than they already have. Nephi prophesied that in the last days, many people would reject the Book of Mormon because they already had the Bible. The Lord wants us to know that His gospel is for all people and that His word is not limited to the Bible. This lesson is intended to help you be more willing to receive the Lord’s word in your life.
Be willing to receive greater understanding
Imagine that Oliver, at age 15, decided that all the information and technology available to him at that point would be all he would ever need.
What would Oliver be missing out on if he decided this in the year 1950? What information or technology has become available since then?
How can this situation relate to learning spiritual truths?
As you read the following statement from President Russell M. Nelson, think about what it could mean for you.
Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell taught, “To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it is clear that the Father and the Son are giving away the secrets of the universe!” [“Meek and Lowly” (Brigham Young University devotional, Oct. 21, 1986), 9, speeches.byu.edu]. (Russell M. Nelson, “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 95)
My Desire to Learn Spiritual Truths from God
Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)—“2 Nephi 29: Receive More of God’s Word”
Take a moment to reflect on your attitude about receiving spiritual truths from God. Try to see what you are doing well and where you can potentially improve.
Rarely: 1
Sometimes: 2
Often: 3
Always: 4
I value and study both the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
I look for answers to my questions by studying the scriptures.
I seek to learn from God and about Him through the scriptures.
I seek and follow personal revelation from the Holy Ghost.
I study the words spoken at general conference to learn what God wants me to know.
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As you study today, look for what you can do to continue learning all that God wants to teach you.
Different attitudes to receiving God’s word
In 2 Nephi 28–29, Nephi prophesied about the attitude some people in the latter days would have about receiving more of God’s word. Read 2 Nephi 28:29 and 2 Nephi 29:3, looking for what Nephi and the Lord taught about how some people would react to receiving additional scripture in the last days.
What did you find?
What are some reasons people might have this view?
Take an empty cup and think about what it can be used for. Now turn it upside down. Can it still be used the way it was meant to be used? Compare this with the Book of Mormon and its potential influence in someone’s life.
What knowledge and blessings do you think God wants us to receive through the Book of Mormon?
Read 2 Nephi 29:7–11, looking for what Jesus Christ wants people who reject the Book of Mormon to know.
What is a truth you learned about Jesus Christ from these verses?
One truth we can learn is that God remembers all people and speaks to them in all nations.
What are some of the different ways God speaks to His children in all nations?
What experiences have helped you realize that God remembers you and speaks to you?
Watch “A Book of Mormon Story” (5:15), available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org, to see how one man was blessed by being receptive to God’s word.
A Book of Mormon Story
Complete the following steps:
Make a list of all the ways God has made His word available to you.
Reflect on how willing you are to receive God’s word through each of these ways. (You might draw a simple cup next to each way you feel most receptive to hearing the Lord.)
Write down one or more changes you can make to be more ready to receive God’s word in more of these ways.