undefined undefined Jacob 1: Persuade Others to Come unto Christ
Jacob 1: Persuade Others to Come unto Christ

“Jacob 1: Persuade Others to Come unto Christ,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“Jacob 1,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

Jacob 1

Persuade Others to Come unto Christ

missionaries teaching family

Before Nephi died, he gave his younger brother Jacob the responsibility to preserve the plates and record on them what was “most precious” (Jacob 1:2). Jacob’s message pointed others to Jesus Christ, helping them avoid the consequences of unbelief and sin. This lesson can help you discover ways to help others come unto Jesus Christ.

Talking to a friend

  • When can talking about Jesus Christ with others feel intimidating? What might help us overcome our fears?

  • Who is someone you know that is a good example of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others?

A young man named Junior is a great example of sharing the gospel. He was the only young man attending church in a small branch in Florida, USA. He decided to talk to one of his friends about the gospel of Jesus Christ and invite him to church. You may want to watch the video “Inviting All to Come unto Christ: Sharing the Gospel” (4:30), available on ChurchofJesusChrist.org, and look for one or two things you can learn from Junior and the others in his branch.


Inviting All to Come unto Christ: Sharing the Gospel

The example of others can give us reasons and ideas of how to invite others to come unto Christ. While studying today, think about why you might want to help others come unto the Savior and in what normal and natural ways you might do this.

Persuading others to come unto Christ

Before Nephi died (see Jacob 1:12), he gave his brother Jacob the responsibility to write on the small plates the Lord had commanded him to make. The small plates focus on spiritual things and other plates were dedicated to the people’s history (Jacob 1:1–3).

Read Jacob 1:4–6, looking for what Nephi asked Jacob to include on the plates and teach the people.

  • What are some things Nephi and Jacob knew? How did they learn these things?

Read Jacob 1:7–8, looking for what Jacob did because of his understanding. You might mark phrases in your scriptures that show what motivated Jacob to action. The following explanations could clarify Jacob’s motivation.

“View his death”:Jacob was likely inviting the Nephites to think about Jesus Christ dying for them and atoning for their sins.

“Suffer his cross”:This phrase refers to a commitment to deny ourselves of ungodliness and worldly lusts and to keep the Lord’s commandments (see Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 16:26 [in Matthew 16:24, footnote e]; Luke 9:23; 2 Nephi 9:18). It also means that we can show our willingness to endure and sacrifice as we follow the Savior.

Explanations of some additional difficult phrases can be found in the “Optional: Want to Learn More?” section.

  • Which reasons that Jacob wrote about could motivate you? What other reasons can you think of for inviting others to come unto Christ?

  • What can we learn from Jacob’s example in these verses?

One truth we can learn from Jacob’s example is that knowing of Jesus Christ and His kingdom can motivate us to labor diligently to help others come unto Him.

Ponder on what you know about Jesus Christ and think about what truths you would want others to know about Him.

icon, record
  1. Complete the following activity:

    Take a moment to think about what you might do to labor diligently to persuade others to come unto Christ. Write down situations in which you might have opportunities to do this. Next to each situation, write down how you might help others in that setting come to know and love Jesus Christ. You could use the following examples and add any others:

    1. At home

    2. With a friend

    3. On social media

    4. In your calling or through ministering

You could watch one or two of the following videos to get ideas of what to do and how to do it in simple, natural ways.


2021 Broadcast: Principles of Love, Share, and Invite

“2021 Broadcast: Principles of Love, Share, Invite” (54:06) from time code 0:00 to 1:35


Youth and Young Adults

“Member Stories: Youth and Young Adults” (5:08)


Ministering as the Savior Does

“Ministering as the Savior Does” (6:08)

As you think of ways to help others come unto Jesus Christ, you can take courage from promises and advice in the scriptures.

Read Doctrine and Covenants 15:6; 18:15–16 to discover what the Lord promised those who help others come to Him.

Read Alma 31:34–35 to learn from Alma’s example in wanting to help lead the Zoramites to Christ.

  1. Answer the following questions:

    • When have you been able to help other people learn about Jesus Christ?

    • Who is a person you would like to invite to come unto Christ? What can you do to invite them? How can you rely on the Savior to help you?