“Jarom–Omni: Offer Your Whole Soul to Jesus Christ,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“Jarom–Omni,” Book of Mormon Student Manual
Offer Your Whole Soul to Jesus Christ
Where do you turn for guidance when making important life choices? Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have provided the scriptures as a primary source of guidance and assistance for all. The books of Jarom and Omni contain various teachings that can bless your life. This lesson is intended to help you practice identifying and applying principles from the scriptures that can bless and guide your life.
Steering the ship
Imagine your journey through life is like a ship sailing on the ocean. What are some things you could compare to the steering wheel or helm that guides the ship on the journey?
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles gave a possible answer:
Gospel principles are for me and you what a helm is to a ship. Correct principles enable us to find our way and to stand firm, steadfast, and immovable so we do not lose our balance and fall in the raging latter-day storms of darkness and confusion. (David A. Bednar, “The Principles of My Gospel,” Liahona, May 2021, 126)
How might a gospel principle be like a steering wheel or helm of a ship?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that you can identify true principles from the scriptures and use them to guide your life? Why?
What have you done in the past that has helped you find principles in the scriptures?
If you would like to review how to identify principles, consider revisiting the following lessons: “2 Nephi 1” and “Jacob 4.”
Take a moment to reflect on a recent principle you identified during seminary or your personal scripture study.
What principle did you find? How has that principle blessed your life?
Identifying gospel principles
The books of Jarom and Omni contain the final writings in the small plates of Nephi and include many principles that can bless our lives. Jarom received the plates from his father, Enos, and recorded the Nephites’ struggles and blessings over a period of approximately 40 years. He then passed the plates to his son Omni. The book of Omni contains the writings of five different Nephite record keepers and covers approximately 190 years.
Read the following scripture passages and practice identifying gospel principles that you could use in your life. There may be several principles contained in each set of verses. Identify at least one from each scripture passage.
Giving yourself to the Savior and His work
After identifying a principle, it is important to take time to ponder what it means and how it can apply to your life. For example, in Omni 1:26 you may have identified the following principle: If we come unto Christ and offer our whole souls unto Him, we will be saved.
What are some ways that you could seek to better understand and apply this principle?
The following is one idea:
It could be helpful to compare this principle to something that you might offer to others in everyday life.
What might you offer to someone else?
Are there ways you might only offer part of what you could give? Why?
When might you offer all that you can give? Why?
How might this apply to offering our whole souls to Jesus Christ?
Answer the following questions:
What do you think it means to offer your whole soul to Jesus Christ?
Why do you think the Lord asks us to give Him our whole souls?
Who do you know that is a good example of someone who is trying to give their whole soul to Jesus Christ? How have they been blessed for doing so?
You may want to watch the video “With All Your Heart” (3:26), available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org, to see an example of a young man who is trying to devote himself completely to the Lord.
Consider drawing a circle that represents your life. Shade in the portion of the circle that you feel best represents how much of yourself you are currently giving to the Lord. Take a moment to ponder how you might more fully give your whole soul to Jesus Christ. Write down one or two ways you will seek to do so and how doing these things might benefit your life.
Understanding and Applying Principles
Recall the principles you identified earlier from Jarom and Omni.
Answer the following questions:
Which of the principles you identified is most meaningful to you? Why?
How could you better understand and apply this principle?
How could living this principle help to better steer your life toward Jesus Christ?